If a Jehovah’s Witness wants to refuse a blood transfusion that would potentially save their life, I find that sad but it has little to do with me.
If a Jehovah’s Witness wants to refuse consent for a child to have a potentially life-saving blood transfusion, medical staff have the option of seeking a court order to over-ride parental objections.
If Jehovah’s Witnesses as an organisation campaigned to have the law changed so that it is illegal for anyone to be given a blood transfusion, this would clash with my rights and I would be vociferously against it.
If Jehovah’s Witnesses affirm that ‘Jesus Christ is God’s firstborn son, is inferior to God, and was created by God’, then I don’t agree but it has little to do with me.
If Jehovah’s Witnesses wanted to make it the law that I had to affirm that ‘Jesus Christ is God’s firstborn son, is inferior to God, and was created by God’, it would clash with my rights and I would be vociferously against it.
So if a person who identifies as trans wishes to believe they have actually changed sex, I don’t agree but their belief is little to do with me.
If organisations representing people who identify as trans seek to change the law so that someone who identifies as trans can access spaces and services reserved for the sex they believe they have become, this would clash with my rights and I would be vociferously against it.
If these organisations wanted to make it the law that I had to affirm that TWAW, TMAM and NBPANB, this would clash with my rights and I would be vociferously against it.
In any of these situations, I would not be arguing for the death, ill-treatment or removal of existing rights from people. I would be arguing for the protection of my rights.
If a Jehovah’s Witness comes to my door and I tell them I don’t believe in their ideology and have no wish to convert, they don’t vanish in a puff of smoke because they have been invalidated. If a trans identifying person wants me to chant TWAW and I don’t, they still exist.
If someone needs to believe a particular belief, to subscribe to a particular ideology, that is their business. It becomes mine when it impacts on my rights, when it seeks to compel.
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