How to spot, alarm and stop a predetor (a thread)
So we all know what happened last night
I hope we all know the basic behavor online

• be carefull around strangers
• don’t share your location or other personal information
• don’t meet up with strangers online (if so take a trusted adult with you)
If anyone acts weird in your dm and calls you “friends” after 5 min that can be a warning sign. You don’t just become friends if someone sends you a gift and stuff like that. Always trust your gut
Other signs:

• becomes secretive about online activities
• becomes obsessive about being online
• gets angry when he or she can’t get online
• receives gifts or packages from strangers
• changes behaviors or goes offline when an adult enters a chat or is around
If you are a minior

Be carefull around strangers online. Don’t share personal information. Avoid nsfw content and be on guard when a stranger makes nsfw jokes or talks about it in your dm’s. If you get a weird vibe from a person then ask others. Maybe you share the same feeling
If you are an adult

Help the miniors to stay safe. Tell them if you get weird vibes from a person. Tell them about internet safety if they share too much information online. Help other adults to show that you mean no harm to the miniors and help protect them from predetors
Together we can all hopefully make a safe culture. Look out for one and another. Check in on new accounts. Have a trusted adult you can go to online that knows the community. Try check if a possible predetor acts the same weird way to then too or if it’s only towards miniors
Back to the situation we had last night

The person said this in their defence but it was god damn bad

Their link 
Really quick we just gonna look thought this and I hope you all see what I see

1) They explain why their weird behaviour is okay

2) They play the victim when they were the once that started it all
3) They don’t know that you can fab without doing it infront of miniors or that it’s bad to ask them for nudes or send some of themselfs

4) They try to slide over this like nothing ever happened and that a “sorry” can help even tho that it happened to alot of people on this app
It was their intention to send gifts, nudes, ask for nudes and more. It was not a thing that “did not” know about. There is so much abour predetors on news and media that they should know what they did was wrong. They kept going and says right after that they are not a pedofile
Stay safe folk and keep each other safe too. We are gonna help each other to fight them
You can follow @kjellnugget.
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