The Tory COVID Shambles

We didn't get to the bad place where we are on COVID by accident or luck, government mistake after mistake has got us here. This is my video look back on the road to here.
Not exhaustive, hopefully a record to spark your own memories..
(Thread 1/11)
2/ The first few months (from May 2020)

This clip from US news channel, CNN gives a summary of the first few months. We didn't then and haven't since seen anything like it on the BBC, Sky or ITV
3/ The first few months, December 2019 to May 2020 Detailed

A timeline of some of the key moments from the first few months of the pandemic. They got us to highest death toll in Europe in May.
(Based on a Thread by @imajsaclaimant )
4/ The devastation in care homes (April 2020)

A rare bit of honesty on the BBC. The #COVID19 death rate in care homes seemed uncontrollable. The Government’s acted too late, did too little and then tried to spin themselves out of it.
5/ The Testing shambles (June 2020)

Testing is crucial to controlling the spread of the virus. The Government have screwed it up from day one. This clip is telling on how deceitful they've been on this failure.
6/ The same problems all the way through (June 2020)

This from June on what the Government got wrong and what they should do to correct things. Sadly, the same is true six months later, same mistakes, same flawed thinking
7/ We knew there would be vaccine supply problems (Sept 2020)

The Government are now fiddling with the timings of vaccination shots because of supply problems. Like their every other failure, these problems were known about in advance, for example:
8/ The failures continue (October 2020)

10 months in and still the same mistakes, the same spinning and lying resulting in the same shambles. This clip by CNN lays it all bear in a way the BBC or Sky haven't done all through this crisis.
9/ Failure to plan for vaccination (December 2020)

Like everything else, the government didn't plan well enough or early enough for the vaccine roll out. This is how the Germans got ready, why couldn't we?
10/ The international comparisons that dare not be shown on the BBC or Sky

The mainstream media have failed us during this pandemic, especially the way the have cushioned the government. They rarely do international comparisons, fortunately others do..
This Thread is not exhaustive and I know some key steps aren't covered (eg PPE). Sadly we're still victims of the same mistakes, delays and flawed thinking. The media have let us down and won't be doing summaries like this. Share this to help others know what's really happened.
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