The folks in Victoria tut tutting at other Victorians unable to get home because of the sudden border closure. Where is your empathy? The Vic govt didn't say don't go to NSW, just not to go to Sydney. Sheesh.
Until yesterday all of NSW except Sydney and surrounds was flagged as green by the Vic govt. Folks who relied on this advice to take a holiday after the last year are hardly foolish or reckless.
It's still live on the DHHS website FFS
"oh but Andrews and Sutton said something at a press conference" cool. They also said check the govt website for current info and if whatever they'd said at the press conf was meaningful why wasn't the official advice updated?
And the folks mocking and sneering at the folks who followed the official advice from the Vic govt's own website, and are now stuck and unable to get home? I hope you accidentally drop your housekeys down a drain.
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