What we've learnt is that there is no half way Europe.
All the misery Englishmen who want their English gentleman's Brexit - these are the real problem
What we've got now is the best possible Brexit.
We have now left everything, and slowly we will get drawn in again. And when we're in deep enough we will want a part of the political institutions as well
But we can't keep doing this. We can't keep getting into Europe and then leaving and then getting again and then leaving.
There is something unresolved in this country that no one else can help us with.
Whenever this country tries to make any forward progress there is always some rank and racist figure trying to pull it back.
Whether it's Mosley, Powell, Fartage, there is always a national bigot
Every country has its political cranks. The problem with ours is that it nearly always comes from the fringes of the aristocracy.
Both Johnson and say, Ress-Mogg are what you would call the fringe aristocracy. They don't have any sort of pedigree in that sense, but they have been within sniffing distance of it all their life.
And this is where the sort of crank politics comes from. The fringe aristocracy, the private schools, the pantomime social clubs at Oxford university.
Like many children's games that grow malignant in adulthood, crank politics produces nothing but harm.
You're trained in this country to treat some pretty disgusting politics as a public entertainment.
As though upper class racism is harmless.
Racism is not a game. These political grotesques - Johnson, Farage and the rest of them - these are not to be treated as a public amusement. Racism is not a genteel parlour game.
It's all very well to tell yourself that making genteel humour is the English way of dealing with racism.
If that works.
But it doesn't work, does it? Because they've just destroyed your country, and there was nothing you could do about it.
You know what I say next. It's not genteel humour that protects your country from cranks and crackpots. You tried that and it got you nowhere.
The only thing you've got to protect yourself from political cranks is a constitution.
And that's what you haven't got, and that's how your country has just destroyed itself.
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