(1/6) The mainstream Left these days is overzealous when it comes to all identity issues - from race to disability to mental illness. But I think it's fair to say that it's the most unreasonable of all when it comes to trans issues.

#Transphobia #TransWomenAreWomen #PeakTrans
(2/6) Based on what I've seen, wokes seem to be the most histrionic about "transphobia" out of all *isms and *phobias. Wokes dedicated to trans issues seem to be the ones most incapable of weathering criticism or dissent.

#Transphobia #TransWomenAreWomen #PeakTrans
(3/6) Beneath tweets dissenting from race dogma, I primarily see snark about "white fragility", "privilege", etc. Beneath tweets dissenting from gender dogma, on the other hand, I routinely see rape and murder threats.

#Transphobia #TransWomenAreWomen #PeakTrans
(4/6) I don't think I know of any race hustlers demanding anything quite comparable to TRAs demanding that lesbians have sex with males.

#Transphobia #TransWomenAreWomen #PeakTrans
(5/6) And the bios with anime/furry/k-pop avatars and "bun"/"bunself" pronouns are just a whole other level of cringe.

#Transphobia #TransWomenAreWomen #PeakTrans
(6/6) I don't know what it is, but something about this particular topic just brings out the worst in the Left. It facilitates the narcissism, entitlement, insecurity, delusion and defensiveness like no other identity category.

#Transphobia #TransWomenAreWomen #PeakTrans
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