Unpopular opinion maybe idk :

15 to 17 yr old kids, girls especially, it'd be a lot better if you stopped trying to act all influencer type and shit and stopped posting your "so called pics" on Instagram or Twitter.

I say this not out of jealousy but out of concern. (1/n)
I mean let's face it, every second person out here is hooked to these apps which in turn makes you a target not just for cyber bullying but for harassment too given the fact that you HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE where your images are going and the people who are circulating them (2/n)
Sure, dressing up well and posting an image with a relative or a family member is a great thing to do. I do it too.

However, posting one of those images where you've got your Glutes pushed out to create that illusion etc can be really really damaging if a predator or any (3/n)
or any unknown person manages to get their hands on them.

Also, all that "Independence and Body Positivity" nonsense that people use as an excuse to hide behind while doing this won't do you any good should shit hit the fan. (4/n)
In the end, it's not your job to do this neither are you getting paid for doing any of it.

Also, I'm pretty sure you know who you are.

So please, re consider whatever it is that you're about to do the next time before doing any such thing.

Stay safe, have a great 2021.

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