I’m still to hurt to write anything decent or coherent about DOOM. All I will say is that he changed my life, and I got TOTALLY lost in his catalogue in the early to mid-naughties. I’m just gonna post a few of my favourite songs as a tribute today.
This one is a belter that might have flew under the radar. I once heard someone say that “U Got The Look” is the most Prince-ish Prince song - not the best, but perfectly encapsulates what he was about. That’s how I feel about this - it’s 100% pure DOOM.
The sample work on this is obviously astounding, but in lesser hands it could have came off as hokey. DOOM makes it work with the (as ever) un-quantized drums and almost deadpan vocal delivery, creating a vibe I’d genuinely never heard before.
And here’s a tune about wanking to internet porn. I’ve loved all the tributes to DOOM over the last few days, but not many have said how LOL-funny he was. He’s possibly the most amusing MC ever.
“To all rappers, shut up with your shuttin' up,
And keep your shirt on, at least a button up,
Yuck, is they rhymers or strippin' males,
Outta work jerks since they shut down Chippendales,
They chippin' nails, DOOM, chippin' scales...”

The KMD stuff was slightly before my time, but I remember having a shitty version of Black Bastards I found on Napster that I adored. When the re-release finally came out I was blown away. A fascinating time capsule of an album. RIP Subroc.
This album is low-key a lot of DOOM heads’ favourite (I think it’s @keepindirtclean ‘s). It’s a testament to his catalogue that a record this great wouldn’t crack my top 5 DOOM works. And to his versatility that he transitioned seamlessly to this sound.
If there’s any disappointment to be taken from his career, it’s undoubtedly that we never got the GhostDOOM album. The chemistry and synergy between the two was palpable - Ghostface was born to rhyme over DOOM’s scruffy, soulful beats.
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