The difference between tolerance and acceptance is not inclusion within the physical space but inclusion into the epistemological. For this to happen, we need to first recognise and white supremacist structures within our system and create a safe space for PoC and their cultural
knowledge to exist. The hierarchy of thought is analogous to the racialised capitalism described by Mill's in his racial contract where black and brown people's bodies, lands and resources are justifiably commodified. In accepting this is the way things are we maintain the status
quo for all of its ills. The analogy continues with 'diversity', which only serves to uphold white supremacy. If 'diversity' exists solely in the physical frame and not the epistemological plane, we denigrate people right to live authentically; this forces them into lives based
along our train tracks. The solution is not inclusion but a destruction of the epistemic structures and possibly the rejection of the physical spaces we hold. To build a hybrid, egalitarian system of neuro-socio-psychological-ontology through which inclusion is a given through
its very inception and nature.

I'm getting into this philosophy stuff. ( @KaySocLearn)
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