Healthy New Year: A Thread

2020 started off on a sour note, i.e. Covid-19 pandemic, but we thank God we made it this far.
By this thread, I hope to convey a different kind of compliment for the new year. That is, convey the message of health awareness to whoever is reading, as with good health, you will likely have a happier year.
But first......
...I am no doctor, nor health practitioner. The information contained in this thread is, therefore, not medical advice of any kind. But it is to a large extent based on my own learnings from authoritative sources gathered throughout 2020 and earlier.
Doctors the world take the Hippocratic oath. The oath is named after Hippocrates (460BC - 370BC), said to be the father of modern medicine, and who famously proclaimed “All Disease Begins From The Gut”.
The gut is the large intestine, aka the Colon. The healthier your colon is, the healthier one is likely to be. It is in the colon where the body absorbs all the good stuff it needs, viz. vitamins, vital nutrients and minerals.
If you are a sucker for processed foods, and you take the so-called junk food regularly, you may need to pay more attention to your colon in 2021, for your own sake, and that of your loved ones.
Especially if you are still in your prime, and have dependants. The health of the colon determines to a considerable extent how long you live.
Significant intake of processed foods in 2021 will cause a leaky gut, meaning that the ability of one’s colon to ingest or absorb vital nutrients is undermined.
You may look well-fed, but be furtively unwell. You may occasionally indulge in healthy foods but their absorption could be weak.
A few doctors and respected herbal medicine practitioners radically hold that there is no disease that can take you down if you have a healthy colon. One of them, the renown Dr. Sebi of Honduras, often said that a sure bet to stay healthy was to ensure you kept a clean colon.
There are various ways of cleaning the colon. But one of the most recommended ways for individuals is to go on a few days’ fast, taking water and a cocktail of natural fruit and vegetable juices.
I learnt that one British lady diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the thyroid got cured after embarking on a juice and fruit cocktail diet. She avoided solid meals for weeks. Could it be that she cleaned her colon and got cured? Perhaps. Read more here -
It was also during 2020 that I learnt a thing or two about the benefits of fasting.

When you fast, your body starts scavenging on bad things. In effect, it embarks on self healing. It devours fats, mucus, tumors and other forms of inflammation.
Fasting is RESTorative, and those who fast regularly reportedly look younger, absorb nutrients better and, overall, enjoy stronger immunity.
So if the colon determines how strong your body immunity is, then Hippocrates was very likely spot-on.
Let’s move on a bit faster.
Say, you’ve gained weight over the years. Determined to get back in shape and shed it, you buy yourself a pair of running shoes. You then start daily routines of running up and down the roads in your neighbourhood, all the while keeping track of shed kilos and lost calories.
If you are looking to lose weight fast, it turns out that a brisk walk is far more effective than running, yields results faster, and is ideal for cardio health.
So if you harbour fat-shedding ambitions and have been thinking of carrying out regular runs in the estate, you could as well consider changing your strategy in the new year.
I know people run for various reasons, e.g. boost stamina, or practice for an upcoming marathon. Here, I’m talking about those who want to lose weight and keep in shape.
Staying healthy is a result of multi-pronged activities. No one health initiative will keep you 100% healthy. But the day-to-day effort of ensuring a healthy lifestyle is far less costly than the consequences of maintaining a body that suffers from disease.
Many now know that to fight off disease, especially flu-based viruses- and Covid-19 is one - Vitamins C and D, besides minerals such as Zinc, are very key.
In 2021, I hope you get lots of these, at least if only to fend off Covid-19 and viral flus in general. Vit. D helps regulate the immune system. Simply put, it stimulates the body’s peptides (chains of amino acids) which help destroy invading microbes. Get yourself lots of sun.
Did you know that the darker skin tone you have, the more of Vitamin D (read sunlight) you need?
See, we black folks have excess melanin, which is why our skins have dark pigmentation. Melanin helps protect against harmful UV rays of the sun, alright, but the more of it you have the slower the rate at which the skin makes Vitamin D.
Sometime in July of 2020, the rate of Covid-19 deaths among blacks in the U.S. was more than double that of caucasian Americans. See, blacks in that country are in a continent that doesn’t experience as much sunshine, and so many of them were found to be Vitamin D deficient.
In Wisconsin State, the black population is about 4%. In July 2020, roughly 27% of Wisconsin hospital admissions due to Covid-19 was of blacks.
Vitamin C can be sourced from certain greens and fruits, such as citrus fruits. 2020 was a year in which my loved ones, including my aging folks, and I took lots of baobab powder, which has at least six times the Vitamin C found in oranges.
You can get baobab powder from Naivas, Chandarana and Zucchini stores.
My family has taken baobab powder during all of 2020. During that time, none of my family members, including my (hopefully former) asthmatic 9-year old son, have suffered a cold. Yes, no cold suffered throughout 2020 in my family.
Oh, before I forget: If you want to know how efficient your colon is, it will want to discharge stool with each meal. You need to worry if the number of times you pass stool in a week can be counted with the fingers of one hand. Fibre-rich foods and regular water intake are key.
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