2021 goals
A thread:
1: I want to reach this following by the end of 2021.

TikTok: 75k
YouTube: 5k
Twitch 1k
Twitter 3k
Instagram: 5k

To achieve these I will be streaming whenever I can (hopefully daily) I will be posting every other day on everything besides YouTube (1/2)
Besides YouTube (weekly uploads on YT), along with that I want to drop my own merch, I want to do a 24 hour stream.
2: weight loss.

For almost as long I can remember I have been over weight.. I’m tired of it and I don’t want to worry about health problems later on. My goal is to lose 20-30 pounds. I will run on the treadmill every day twice for an hour each time (1/2)
Along with that I will be bettering my diet, (ex: more protein & vegetables / less bread)
3rd is I want to get actually good at games, I’m usually always the worst one on my team and I don’t like it. I want to be the best and I want to start competing, so to better myself I will practice an hour a day and play for another hour and a half.
4.. I want to earn enough to where I can really give back to my family who have supported me with this gaming shi and my community who have been with me forever. This is one of my biggest goals and I hope this year I can make it a reality
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