It’s 2 AM. My husband is still awake and hacking. 7 d after fever started and 6 d after being diagnosed with COVID. And he’s telling me no one has filled his ER shift in 4 hr so he’s expected to work. CDC guidelines say a minimum of 10 days and if sx improving. Cough is not. How would you feel as a patient having a physician with COVID who hasn’t met the minimum government standards for quarantine hacking in your face through his mask. Yeah, me too. Especially the vulnerable who aren’t there for COVID complaints.
I told him to show up at 5am. As a patient. And get the chest x-ray he needs. And have them find him some monoclonal antibodies. And cover his shifts. Then he can see how he feels at Day 10 like the CDC recommends. He could have pneumonia.
He tells me he’s going to work “bc he doesn’t want to leave them high & dry.” This isn’t the military. Even captains who have been shot have the good sense to get airlifted out bc they know they’re no good dead. The culture of medicine is toxic. There is no other way to put it.
They did the right thing. He’s on his way home from his shift and is covered until it’s been 10 days since his symptoms started. And he will cover for someone else when they get sick. That’s how it should be. We’re all in this together.
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