Thoughts to new year resolutions, goals and based of the work of @JamesClear, #HappyNewYear

- Make small tiny changes each day. start small. Aim for 1% Better reach day. Math law is on your side. 1% each is 38X better at the end of the year. FORGET BIG ACTIONS. (Thread)
- Focus less on results, outcomes and goals and stick to those changes of process and daily consistent actions. FORGET GOALS, FOCUS ON SYSTEMS

To change something begin with changing who you are. Don’t stop habit before you change your identity. We typically DO who we think & believe to be. Unlearn who you think you are. Upgrade your identity. Decide who you are &then prove to yourself each day with tiny small wins.
- Habits typically follow a cycle from cue, craving & then our response & the reward we feel after. To create new habits, make Cue OBVIOUS, craving ATTRACTIVE, response EASY &reward SATISFYiNG. Do the opposite to break them.
-You make cue /habit obvious by using a technique known to cut accidents by 85%. Point and call. It helps us be self aware. Begin with list of daily habits. And consider using habit scorecard, scoring each habit (+be, -ve or = for neutral)
Begin new habits more effectively by creating

A. intend to implement, when X happens, I will do Y. Or I will (DO )at (time) in (place).Clarity has been shown to be 3X more powerful in changing behavior. Better parent? I will kid with homework each day after school at home.
B. Habit stacking. This is a special form of intend to implement that takes advantage of how behaviors happen connectedly: After (Current habit), I will (néw habit).Like meditate as you shower or see stairs take a walk etc, wake up pray, arrive at my desk, focus on big task
Don’t count on motivation. It’s overrated. Focus more on environment. Our habits are context dependent. LocAte books where you see, put your tablets near toothbrush, fill up water bottles in car and office to drink more water, don’t carry laptop to bedroom to work less at home
The secret to self control is to use less of it. More than 90% of soldiers that were heroin users in Vietnam returned home and didn’t relapse. Changing your environment can change your habit why? Because cue is invisible. It doesn’t remove the addiction but can break habit
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