In 2020 at least 345,737 Americans died of COVID.

This thread is meant to be a memorial honoring their memory.

Because our government under the leadership of Emperor Covidicus can't be bothered to care about us.

So we've got to care about each other. 1/
We mourn the loss of grandmothers and grandfathers, uncles and aunts, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, and sadly even sons and daughters.

We mourn for lost friends and colleagues.

We mourn for neighbors and community members.

We mourn for so many whom we've lost.

We must never forget how we got here, why this was allowed to happen through malice and neglect, and that we cannot let a repeat of this pandemic occur the next time there's a new dangerous virus or bacteria spreading. We must because we owe it to all those that we've lost.

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