1) May I start by stating that I am a German living in Asia? So I am looking at things unraveling in Europe as well as in the US from the outside. While for some reasons not to be discussed here I think that Europe is beyond being saved right now, I think that this is...
2)...not true for the US. But a few things I cannot quite understand: Do Americans know how many people still dream of living in the US? And I am not speaking of economic reasons for such a wish. On the contrary:...
3)...I know a lot of people who are quite well off financially, but they still would like to live in the US, if there would be a chance for it. Why is that? Because they still see the US as the country of which is said, it is the land of the free. ...
4)...The land, where you are free to speak your mind unhindered. Where you are free to pursue your success, your happiness, your religious beliefs with the only restriction, that you, by doing so, cannot infringe upon...
5)...your neighbour’s same rights. These people value these rights so highly, that they would be willing to leave their home countries, their relatives and friends, to be able to live in the US. That said, I have to say that I am...
6)...at a complete loss looking at the US right now. Maybe that is because I look in from the outside, who knows.
7) How can it be, that the people of this wonderful country not rise like one man to defend their constitutional rights in times like these? Their right to speak, their right to defend themselves by owning and carrying arms?...
8)... Their right to rule their own country through transparently, safely, freely and fairly elected politicians, that can be held accountable for any wrongdoings? Their right to assemble peacefully?...
9)...Their right to worship their god unhindered? Their right to earn their daily bread through their work?
10) How can it be, that there are people, that seem to be unfazed by the fact that foreign powers try to buy out the country, bribe it’s „elites“, impose their completely un-American ideology on them?
11) How can it be that US citizens are willing to put up with bought and paid for prosecutors and judges that cannot be held accountable for what they do against the peoples‘ rights and interests?
12) How can it be that people tolerate politicians that try to impose a „one-size-fits-all“ lifestyle on the citizens of this country?
13) How can it be that people not understand that this is not an issue of left or right, democratic or republican, but an issue for all US citizens united because these issues concern them all?
14) How can it be that US citizens as a whole seem not to understand that they are the true sovereign of the country, that the government and all governmental institutions are supposed to work for them and not the other way around?
15) How can it be that the people of the US do not demand as one, that all these establishment shenanigans have to end immediately and that activities that are not in the common interest of all people have to cease instantly?
16) If the US is the land of the free and the home of the brave still, then you would expect the people to man up, rise and show these traitorous bastards that sell out the people and the people's interests...
17)...day in and day out that they have enough. Once and for all!
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