🧵 Before he was @MFDOOM he was part of #KMD and NY’s early 90’s hip hop golden-era. Before that iconic single ( #Peachfuzz) propelled KMD into mainstream consciousness he gained underground notoriety vis-a-vis 3rd Bass’ The Gas Face (MC Search). 1/4
Doom’s influence came from a NYC tipping from #Rakim’s Microphone Fiend to Large Pro’s Live at the BBQ—and the verse that put Nasir Jones on the map. His formative years spent in the diverse ecosystem that birthed #pitatpor Halftime and Breaking Atoms. 2/4
Doom’s discog is like an underground comic book for rap nerds, listening to Doom before it was cool to listen to Doom. From Metal Face to Viktor Vaughn to Metal Fingers, #Dumile gained a cult following that reconnected him w/ his early 90’s cohort on albums like NastraDOOMus. 3/4
The corner of Doom’s universe that most captivates me is Monster Island. Fans know it as King #Geedorah’s stomping grounds. KG (a Doom alias) is the enigmatic creator of Take Me To Your Leader. #TMTYL features my favorite #Doom: Fazers, Fastlane, Krazy World and Monster Zero. 4/4
Addendum 🧵
At a certain point there was a neo-west coast influence that seeped into Doom’s music. Something in the vein of Quasimoto’s “Come on Feet”. Enter @stonesthrow and @pbwolf . The label and producer that would create the Doom/ #Madlib crown jewel—Madvillainy.
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