Where did BLM go…

Who are the true white supremacists…

BLM is a self-proclaimed Marxist group.

Karl Marx was a racist white supremacist.
Karl Marx, referencing his socialist political competitor, Ferdinand Lassalle, wrote:

“It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses’ exodus from Egypt...
...assuming that his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a n!&&3r. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product.”
If you only appear to “care” about black people around election time for votes, what does that mean…

Why do we traffick in millions of illegal foreign nationals from Latin America that hurt poor black communities…
What happened to caring about brown people…

Where’d the “kids in cages” go…

Why did they say the Obama “cages” were Trump’s…

Why do so many Latinos support socialism/Marxism when our ancestors left that oppressive ideology in Latin America…
Karl Marx was a racist white supremacist.

Karl Marx is the father of socialism.

Marx on the Mexican War:

“Is it a misfortune that magnificent California was seized from the LAZY Mexicans who did not know what to do with it?”
Are “we” brainwashed by the white supremacist leftwing system to hate in order to be unaware and blindly support polices that hurt our own people solely because we are taught to hate a specter of a “white supremacist” society…

Typical leftist projection...
Why are we so gullible when we see the reality in front us…

Why don’t we believe our lying eyes…

Why do the "liberal" white supremacists only “care” about black or brown at one time…

Why don’t they “care” about black and brown at the same time…
Why don’t they “care” about black and brown all the time…

Black and brown don’t “matter” unless an election looms.

Why do we fall for it and attack our own communities when they order us to…

Is it really “us” attacking or mercenaries…
Will they “care” about us at the same time at some point when they want large scale destruction…

Why do we brown and black people largely see ourselves as parts of a whole and not individuals…

Is this the white supremacist system “working…”
Is this the true “institutional racism…”

Why do we allow “liberal” bigots to lower the expectations for us (people of color)…

Why do “liberals” vote for polices they move away from…
Why do “liberals” move to conservative neighborhoods to raise their families when mobility allows them to…

Why do “liberals” move to gated/walled communities to preserve safety for their families…
It’s noble to protect one’s family, but why are some families more “worthy” of safety than others…
Why did the white supremacist “liberal” media run cover for the neo-KKK (Antifa)…

Why they pretended Antifa “isn’t real…”

Their prop candidate, Joe Biden, says Antifa is an “idea.”

Can an “idea” burn down a country...
Destruction from within is the easiest way to implement a political agenda.
Example: White supremacist leftist/“liberal” formula to destroy the black community from within and maintain political power:


•Young black men are reminded, by the media, they are “being hunted down” by a white society, especially cops.
•Black cops are not really “black.”

•Pound into head, pound into head, pound into head, pound into head…

•White supremacist leftist media uses a rare incident involving a conveniently black and white person to spark “outrage.” Preferably white cop, black “victim.”
•Sometimes, they need to pretend he’s “white” if election is upon us and no real “racist” incident has occurred to exploit.

•“White Hispanic:” George Zimmerman.

•Garage pull handles are “racist.”

•“This is MAGA country!!!”

•White supremacist left activates BLM.
•BLM is used to stoke racial tension and encourage young black men to destroy cities and themselves for the white supremacist leftist cause.

•Election is “won.”

•BLM goes into hibernation until the “liberal” white supremacist world order activates it again.
•Wash, rinse, repeat…

2020 taught me everything is fake-not just the “news.”
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