Happy Triumph of the #CubanRevolution the successful overthrow of one of America's bloodiest Puppet Dictators in the 1959 New Year's Revolution. Imagine the happiness, oh wait we don't have to imagine it
Here we see the Urban Guerrilla Rebels who don't normally get much credit. People remember the Rural Fighters. But the Urban Rebels were forgotten. Commander Celia Sanchez, Fidel's Godmother in Santeria
More Urban Rebels. Their Militia was created by Frank Pais Garcia who believed the Urban Front of the July 26 Movement (M-26-7) the Revolutionary Cuban Movement, would crush the Batista regime. And they did. The army and cops were divided between Rural Guerrillas in the Mountains
and the Urban Militia which did their own street version of Guerrilla Warfare. And they were usually in normal dress. Not wearing rebel uniforms or armbands unless holding secret meetings or doing combat in the streets. It was harder to weed them out.
Las Marianas also known as the Mariana Grajales Women's Platoon. Feminist Marxist Cuban Guerrillas. The platoon was created by Celia Sanchez, Haydee Santamaria, and Fidel Castro
A Mariana with her Comrade Lover
A Mariana with Fidel Castro
☝ this one I don't think is a Mariana. She isn't wearing any rebel regalia. Probably his sister or cousin.
Many of the Marianas were mothers who wanted justice for the murder of their children. Here we see the Cuban Association of Mother's during Batista's reign protesting with a sign that says "Stop the Murder of our children, Cuban Mothers" Batista would live to regret angering
these brave and powerful women. Many of whom would pick up a gun to go fight against his soldiers. Either in the Mountains or in Urban Militias who would assassinate Cuban Police Chiefs and other crooked cops.
Rebels entering Havana
More Marianas, this time with Fidel
Happiness at the entering of the Rebels into Havana. Where Castro temporally takes power until Manuel Urrutia can become Provisional President of the new Cuban Republic. Eventually Urrutia became corrupt and tried to become another Bourgeois Cuban President and Dictator.
Urrutia was peacefully impeached by the Popular Masses who finally had the Democracy stolen from them by the Americans. And Castro who was Prime Minister at the time, was voted to become the first true President of Cuba. Let that sink in. The Cuban Exiles invented this fiction
that he just showed up and took power. Not true. There was a provisional government. He was voted and unlike the US who ruled Cuba with their military, the July 26 Movement provided a politically neutral government for the masses to decide what they wanted. Socialism was
brought to power peacefully and democratically. The US put a guy born in New York city named Tomas Estrada-Palma a totally bourgeois Cuban American, to power in a mock election after the so called Spanish American War. He was the first of many Dictators backed by the US.
In short : the first Democratically elected Leader of Cuba was Fidel Castro. Suck on that Gusanos. And suck on this.
A Mariana from the Mountains attending to a wound that an Urban Guerrilla Rebel got in the fighting on the streets.
Comrade #CamiloCienfuegos one of the most famous and beloved Cuban Revolutionaries. He actually invented his own Tank during the Revolution. A regular vehicle he armed for the battle field
Urban and Rural Rebels celebrating a Revolutionary Congress together.
The July 26th Movement which along with other Radical Movements both on the right and the left, joined together into one coalition force to drive off Batista. It came to be known as "La Caravana de la Libertad" The Caravan of Freedom. Video in color
Live Battle Scenes
☝ What I love about this video is when they tear down all the Corporate logos from America. That's when the Rebels Nationalized those businesses for the Cuban Workers.
A Commercial from Santiago de Cuba, celebrating this, the 62nd Anniversary of the Revolution so many fought and died for to be free from Slavery and American Imperialism.
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