You reincarnate and your next life is as current-you's subconscious.
You live your life exactly the same as last time, despite constantly screaming at yourself to just LISTEN
What if before you reincarnate you're given the chance to see all your dead loved ones again? Except the only way to do that is to replay your life, exactly as it was? Where you can't change anything, you just get one more go-round.

Do you take that deal?
Musical pairing:
"I would do anything to spend another hour with her"

Would you do *everything* again for another hour?

Would you *live*?
If you look at the life you've lived, and think of replaying it as some terrible burden, then you have not surrendered.

But: if you are willing to make that gesture for a loved one lost... then you have not surrendered either.
You're stuck. You have to eat a melon the size of your head in one bite. There's nothing you can do. What do you do?
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