my top ten matches of 2020, a thread:

10. Okada v Hiromu

Okada hadn't been using the rainmaker and Hiromu made him use it to put him away. Seeing Hiromu stand tall in the same spot main event heavyweights would normally fill was absolutely special.
9. Nautilus v Eruption Double Header

This was a cool as fuck way to do this. First, a trios title match with Hirata joining Nautilus, followed by a duos with Saki sitting out. The dynamics created by doing these consecutively made for such interesting matches. Eruption fucks.
8. Abe v Kodaka

I don't normally watch Basara but was told to seek this one out. They beat the dog shit out of eachother. Absolutely my kind of match. Gonna try and watch more Basara next year.
7. Kenoh vs. Kiyomiya

The relationship between these two makes for such a great story every time they wrestle. Chemistry is off the charts. Genuinely can't wait for the next time they do it.
6. Toryumon v R.E.D

I could talk for like a half hour straight about why this match was incredible. DG building new guys better than anybody else, and also giving the bad guys a fucking beating like nobody else. I felt a lot of things. Stupendous.
5. Shiozaki v Sugiura

Shiozaki's reign is gonna go down in history as one of the best championship reigns of all time. The story behind this one, the chemistry, just fantastic and brutal. Sugiura and Shiozaki always deliver.
4. Shiozaki v Nakajima

This match meant so much and I cannot express how much it was the right decision to have Shiozaki win. This reign would not have been complete without something so deeply personal like this. Legendary chapter in the story of AXIZ.
3. Shiozaki v Kiyomiya

The absolute size of noah's dick, putting on a match this fucking good the same day as wrestle kingdom. Each Shiozaki defences has had different chemistries and relationships, the reign feels meticulously crafted. This was an incredible way to start it.
2. Shiozaki v Kenoh

Match was on too late, couldn't watch it live. Until I happened to wake up in the middle of the night just as the match was starting, and hung off the side of my bed, laptop on the ground, stressed out as fuck in the night for an hour supporting Shiozaki.
1. Shiozkai v Fujita

How do I even unpack this.
They made such powerful use of what was otherwise an awful handicap by doing something they totally could not have gotten away with in the presence of a live crowd. They went all over korakuen. They beat the piss out of eachother. I thought they were closing in to a draw...
... but shiozaki fucking picked up the W anyway. After so many people on here were talking about how Kaz would only do short matches and wouldn't lose. Shiozaki prevailed in the weirdest of circumstances through a batshit match nobody expected. Absolute 2020 nonsense. I loved it.
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