There have been so many struggles and challenges of 2020, that I think we could all benefit from some positive things.

In this thread I'm going to highlight a few good things about this last year...
1. Podcasts
The range, the depth, the nuance, the breadth of podcast is like nothing you've ever seen before. You can get two hours of content on topics that you could never get before.

This is a godsend. It's amazing. Thoughtful commentary, espousing all views
it has been the antithesis of the short form. People are allowed to flesh out their ideas and combat other ideas. No matter what podcast you like it has been a blessing and a boon.
2. Preprints.

Of course there have been failures, But journals have also made notorious failures. Surgisphere anyone
Preprints are here to stay. They will forever be away to get the message out. For some difficult messages. They're going to accelerate science and places that need to be accelerated. They're a good thing.
3. Nuance
Oh yes oh yes many people abandoned nuance. But there are a few people who have emerged as clear and articulate spokespeople for nuance.

They make 2020 better. And we will all be glad to have them.
4. Activism
2020 has shown that people care about issues that are worth caring about. No matter how you feel about specific issues, you got to appreciate that people care. That wasn't always the case. But here's the hard part.....
We gotta persuade others in terms of what specific actions will actually improve the world for all of us. That's a battle of ideas. I look forward to fighting in it.
5. Real friendships. Social media has been a disaster. But many of us have made private friendships. We didn't always see eye to eye, but we now realize we had more in common than we did before. Real friendships with real people in real life actually mean something.
6. Trade-offs. Although many folks continue to deny that there are any trade-offs. More and more people recognize they exist. That's all you need. The future is bright, because more people recognize that all solutions are imperfect
7. The Mandalorian.
Whoever says any other TV show is better just happens to be wrong. It's as simple as that some things are not up for debate.
8. Books
Books are the original zoom. A way to convey information across distance. But unlike zoom books work every time. Books are terrific. At least some are. The year would have been a lot worse without books.
9. Walking. Many of us enjoy biking or running or other activities, but everybody had to walk outside this year. No matter all the lousy things that were going on. It's hard to complain about a good walk.
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