I only joined Twitter this year, and only really started getting into it in late summer, as I felt I had no choice but to do something. Something to show the UCP how much I despise their policies, attitudes, and general distaste for any Albertan that even questions them. (Thread)
And while the goal was to be a political activist and expose the UCP, my other goal was to find like-minded folx who felt the same since my rural town is a hardcore UCP koolaid area and I felt like I was alone.
Now, with amazing people I follow, and for some reason, awesome people that follow me, I feel like I should have done this years ago. I want to say to everyone out there who are upset, angry, disgusted, and all the other emotions that the UCP make us feel, we are not alone!
We have a growing community of like minded, progressive, anti-racism, anti-fascism, anti-UCP people and I want to thank all of you who fight, and expose, and just use this platform to vent about our shite government. Thank you!
I've been inspired by so many, have learned so much, and look forward to continuing to push back against the horrendous UCP and their band of grifters. I hope everyone has a great, and safe, new years!
#ableg #abpoli #FiretheUCP #RecallKenney #UCPcorruption #Alberta
You can follow @a_bagainst.
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