thread of reasons people dislike new bighit japan bg member former i-land trainee K and accuse him of being racist

this is really just for people who are curious. which is why i only used this tag. feel free to prove me wrong if you have actual evidence
disclaimer i'm just tired of seeing many of his stans spreading misinformation. seriously. specially his racism rumour that you are all too quick to dismiss with dubious facts. i'm just letting the people know the truth and giving them a little memory trip
racist remarks
someone found a 2014 twitter account with k's real name (which was previously unknown), birthday and predebut pictures with a racist tweet. to sum it up, he warns a friend who's going to harajuku to be careful of black people. https://twitter.com/kogaxile1021/status/498405354825211905
for context, harajuku is know for its scammers/con man who are often black. this is racial profiling. not all black people in harajuku are scammers. can't you just say scammers? maybe he didn't mean to but people can still feel offended by it.
that is the exact translation and context according to most japanese people. now please don't tell me this is not racist according to them. they can translate and offer context but not decide whether or not something is racist and antiblack, and this is clearly racial profiling.
k stans you dont have to link this anymore, here you go. he says exactly what i said but affirms k isn't racist. that's just what he thinks and just because he "thinks" it's ok doesn't mean it is or that everyone agrees. it's still racial profiling
now some of his stans will swear this is not his account despite the obvious evidence i've mentioned before. according to them this was a shared acc and someone else may have tweeted that. there's nothing indicating that and most tweets are clearly written by him
like thanking his friends for surprising him on his birthday.

others will say it was 2014 and he's changed. just because someone was racist long ago doesn't mean they automatically changed after X years. we don't know if he meant to be racist or not and he didn't apologize yet.
lastly, according to them, a korean fanbase apologized and assumed the rumours were all made up. this is bullshit because they never said the racist rumours were made up, and you can't fake a 2014 twitter acc with pictures and thousands of tweets... to add one controversial tweet
they only apologized for creating a hate hashtag to spread the rumours and for contacting the company, nothing more.

there's another post where somene who says to be k's friend defends him but they also never said the tweet was not k's.
storytime! from now on it's just show drama but his behaviour during iland also made many people dislike him. i'll add videos if you want and i'm using letters intead of names because i can
- gathered ass 12 trainees to complain about another trainee's (H) leadership.
they made him give up his center and leadership position.
- said that H was "pushing them down" behind his back
(a lot of trainees did the same talking shit about H but people dislike him for it so i'm adding it as well, i'm trying to be informative here)
- H himself later said k told him during this episode, in front of everyone, that he's "inferior to him" and "lacked many things" and that he's now a little intimidated by him

yes they also seemed to be close but that doesn't mean H can't be hurt and intimidated so fuck off
- verbally harassed a 14 yo (K is 23). he was a team leader and disapproved of him adding a dance move. then took him to a room without cameras to scold him in japanese. problem is, the language used was very harsh according to japanese viewers
- scolded the same 14yo for not teaching another team member and after this the trainee excused himself to the bathroom and cried.
14yo saw K like a brother but K treated him very differently from another 14yo. both are children (some people didn't like this i'm just saying)
- when voting results were out and trainees from ground (trainees who were voted out by other trainees) topped, said he expected H (yes the one inferior to him) to be 1st, that he was susprised 2 grounders won, and that voters "thought differently" from them
(ppl didn't like it)
- when H got first place and the right to choose song and team, which normally would've made him team leader, K basically took leadership and center from him. when H said he wanted position 2, the best one, K said he wanted 2 too and that H should get 1 since he normally got that
position, which was normally the best one. H gave up position 2 but team members seemed worried and even asked H many times if he was ok with it.
- K took position 2 and started leading practice. he didn't take the other member's opinions like when
H suggested they practice singing but K denied. but when a vocal coach came and scolded them for not practicing singing, and asked who should lead them, K said it should be H so the vocal coach started questioning and scolding H instead
- other members also said they couldn't express themselves freely with K. they find him intimidating, and he's the the self proclamed leader and oldest too so how can you say it's their fault
(hello all K stans who say it's their fault that they felt intimidated by K)
this was even before the vocal coach btw
- H wanted to say his opinions but he was scared so after a discussing it with the other members they decided to talk to him nicely, together.
5 people and not 12, to the few keiys who called them cowards and said they "ganged up" on K :)
- they very nicely sat down and said they just wanted to voice their opinions as a team but since he's the oldest and doesn't seem very happy when they do. he started crying and left. they went after him and comforted him.
(after this he laid low for the rest of practice and was later hesitant to get leader position and when he did tried to make it fun. here i wrote his entire redemption arc for you)
- don't get me started on what a lot of his fans did throughout the show. you call it defending
i call it gaslighting. if so many of you hadn't hated others, twisted facts, harassed anyone who didn't agree with you, said it was someone's fault they cried or felt intimidated and been such hypocrites maybe i would call it defending. there's even a few transphobic and racists.
while i dislike k, i didn't make up any of those.
mnet can evil edit but there's a limit to it and an entire program full of controversies and other trainees' and his own testimony is not that easy to fabricate
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