People who call the Great Reset a "conspiracy theory" exhibit a rhetorical strategy known as "Reset Fragility," which is deployed when one knows there is a fascist conspiracy afoot and a lack of political stamina and political humility necessary to cope with that fact.
People denying the Great Reset often benefit from fascistic corporatism and social control. This makes them complicit in the Reset. Their Reset complicity is a feature of their political privilege. They deny fascism because they can't have their political comfort disrupted.
The Great Reset will be systemic. It will be the ordinary state of affairs, not an aberration. The question is not "will a Great Reset take place?" but "how will the Great Reset manifest in this situation?" Anything that maintains the ruling class's political comfort is suspect.
Calling the Great Reset a "conspiracy theory" won't stop it; it merely hides it, thus making it harder to detect and more pernicious. Denying the Great Reset enables it. It is in the best interests of the corporate fascists to appear to be dismissed as a conspiracy theory.
Denying proof of the Great Reset denies the lived experience of people who have read the books about it. Denial is the tool of the conspirator. Counterstories told by people who have read it are unjustly excluded, which is a form of epistemic oppression and political violence.
People who benefit from a fascist takeover are motivated to maintain the Great Reset status quo (BBB). They cannot bear having their sociopolitical equilibrium disturbed or disrupted and will lash out in Reset Fragility when this equilibrium is threatened.
People who benefit from a fascist takeover have been socialized into a culture of accepting "experts" that benefit them. Though they very rarely speak of it openly, there is a political contract in place between them that leads them to accept fascist technocracy uncritically.
The Everything's Fine status quo is comfortable for most useful idiots by virtue of the fact that it maintains their political comfort. They will therefore remain silent about the Great Reset and deny that it is widespread, systemic, and damaging to the lives of everyone.
Great Reset silence is violence!
Free society is a social construct. It is constructed by those who have been granted the power to order a "liberal society," and those people are chosen primarily by people who run other people's lives and who benefit from everyone pretending Everything Is Fine.
People who deny the Great Reset are going to be disenfranchised and politically oppressed. This produces in them a terror and blindness that makes them pretend Everything Is Fine. Reset fragility is therefore a form of willful ignorance, or ignore-ance, of impending fascism.
It πŸ‘πŸ½ is πŸ‘πŸ½ not πŸ‘πŸ½ conspiracy πŸ‘πŸ½ theorists' πŸ‘πŸ½ job πŸ‘πŸ½ to πŸ‘πŸ½ educate πŸ‘πŸ½ you πŸ‘πŸ½ about πŸ‘πŸ½ the πŸ‘πŸ½ Great πŸ‘πŸ½Reset πŸ‘πŸ½ ! πŸ‘πŸ½
It's not enough to not trust the Great Reset, you have to be actively anti-Great Reset. There is no neutral. We'll never stop the Great Reset and end systemic corporate fascism until we're actively anti-Great Reset. Being Anti-Great Reset begins with confession that it's real.
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