. @FYFSimon & I left our full-time jobs in Oct 2019 to start a company in the fantasy industry. We're not where we thought we'd be back in Jan 2020, but we're exactly where we're supposed to be. I wouldn't trade the mistakes, lessons, or relationships for anything. (cont'd)
Lessons for others hustling to make it:

✅ Don’t give up, adapt. Overnight successes are a myth.

✅ Experiment and learn from everything you do and create.

✅ Love the process. There are more downs than ups. Love what you're doing and who you're with, the rest will come.
2/ Here are some Highlights & Lowlights for us in 2020.

In Jan, we pitched in the FSGA Elevator Pitch competition in Vegas. Without public speaking experience, I pitched our Trade Negotiation Platform to all the big names in the fantasy industry. https://vimeo.com/386742101 
3/ In Mar, we started the @FrontYardFYF podcast. @FYFJosh, @FYFSimon, and I recorded episodes every week, playing a game we came up with, called Poll Perception. We had trouble sounding natural so we started taking Improv classes through SecondCity, which changed the game.
4/ In Apr, after getting users into our Trade Negotiation Platform, we realized that trading wasn't our customers' most important problem. We chose to change our focus from serving fantasy players to serving fantasy analysts and content creators.
5/ In May, we began building an audience. My follower count grew from 214 to 1221 by building relationships and connections with other analysts and creators. The more types of content we experimented with, the better idea I got of how to provide value.
6/ In Sept, we moved our podcast format to live stream on YouTube, Twitch, & PSCP. We also streamed daily instead of weekly. This was a turning point. We started to build a small, dedicated audience and the live engagement was much better suited for our FF Game Show concept.
7/ Throughout the year, we spoke w/ thousands of fantasy players, analysts, content creators, and more. This has been so rewarding and insightful. We've made lasting friendships, learned from incredible people, and this community began to feel like home.
8/ I could never adequately express how much gratitude I have for every person who helped us along the way, but I'd like to shout out a few that have had a profound impact on me as a person.
10/ Those in the FF Twitter community who have welcomed us and who I'm lucky enough to call friends:
@JakeTrowbridge @Lindellions @TKingMode @GMenJay @Marco_14P @Justin_14P @NimblewNumbers @TheBauerClub @DaddysHomeFF @unicorn_fringe @Andrew_Fringe @cooterdoodle @ffShaneB & more
You can follow @FYFJohnLuke.
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