I know this isn’t popular amongst most of my friends here. If I lose whatever respect I might have for saying this then I’m sure I deserve it. I just ask that you hear me out. 1/
I am really struggling & I feel torn. Last night I saw a tweet from a man who lost his father last week & his sister this week. I also noticed he expressed anger towards a tweet that was dismissive of Covid. It has been heavy on my mind & heart ever since. 2/
I am not in support of the lockdowns. I don’t like the masks & I think they don’t help as much as serve as virtue signals. I feel so much of this is political & is being used to force us into submission so that they can ultimately usher in socialism. 3/
I feel incessantly angry about it.

Whenever I log on, I see countless tweets about this. I read solid arguments from faithful Christians about how we must resist.

I don’t disagree.
Still, I also see tweets from people who say they have lost loved ones. I’m not a doctor. I don’t know if it was truly Covid that took their lives or if it was the flu or some other cause but I can’t not see their pain. 5/
I also see those who have family that have tested positive or who have pre-existing conditions & are afraid. It’s hard to not care. I have family members that are in the high-risk category. If anything were to happen to them... would I see all of this differently? 6/
I don’t know if one or both sides of this argument is deceived - completely or in part. All I know is, politics aside, people who hurting. I mean, as Christians, shouldn’t seeing or hurting people affect us even more than those who are hardened and still in their sins? 7/
We believe in God’s sovereignty. We know nothing can happen to us outside of His will & we know that fear is sinful. For those who don’t struggle with fear, we also know about the depravity of man & how not a single one of us has reason to boast of our “great faith”. 8/
I also have felt resentful of those who portray us as being selfish because we don’t want to blindly submit.

I keep thinking about the compassion Jesus felt towards the masses & it grieves me. I have been dismissive towards those who have a different opinion on all of this. 9/
I don’t know how we resist in a godly way & stand for truth while also recognizing that there are people around us who are genuinely hurting (even if we disagree about the source of their pain or troubled hearts). 10/
Speaking hard truths comes fairly easy for many of us. Are we not also called to gentleness & compassion? I think about that and my months of anger & complaining & blatant negation of differing opinions rings so loud in my ears...I feel undone. 11/
I don’t know how to balance all of this or even how to feel about it. I just hope & pray that as Christians, regardless of the position we hold, we at least recognize the impact of our words (tweets) has on the world around us.

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