Before I go mix a drink, here are a few of my favorite pieces of personal output from 2020...
Top of the list has to be Faster Growth, Fairer Growth, the book-length agenda paper I wrote with Brink Lindsey.

Besides being fun to write, I also did the layout and graphic design and taught myself just enough CSS to build a website to host it:
In February, I was in NR with a review of Michael Lind's The New Class War. I've only become more persuaded of Lind's framework since. Glad he's having a real political influence and not on some street corner ranting about the Jordan Commission.
Had a lot of fun writing this for American Mind early in the year, too, before they went all coup-happy. No hard feelings, though. Everyone copes in their own way.
This podcast was with Erik Torenberg for a special series he did early last year. We mostly focused on Hegel and state capacity.
Once CARES passed and ppl understood what was in it, it became clear the $600 FPUC was going to be a major fault line.

So I wrote up some thoughts for NR, focused on the unknowns about how PPP and UI would interact. We now know the answer was poorly.
On the + side, concerns about UI's work disincentive spiked conservative interest in active labor market policy.

Rubio, for one, turned the SBA into a makeshift Kurzarbeit program overnight.

Was also cool to work on Romney's underrated Patriot Pay idea:
In May I was invited to join American Compass as a contributor. My inaugural post re-appropriated Herbert Croly's famous line to explain in broad strokes where I think US conservativism should go next (note the echoes of state capacity libertarianism).
This tells the story of when I went to a family policy event hosted by the Hungarian Embassy and heard a well known American conservative argue that family was the only thing keeping civilization from collapsing but alas not important enough to spend $ on.
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