1/ The U.K. has officially parted ways with the EU — with a trade deal, not a chaotic no-deal split.

The accord brings some relief to businesses, but major issues remain unresolved or at risk of flaring up again. Here's what to watch out for ⬇️ (thread) https://trib.al/FtUNv6u 
2/ Finance 🏦

The deal offers little clarity on financial services, a key pillar of the U.K. economy.

City of London firms must rely on a separate process to retain access to the EU, called equivalence. Discussions, and uncertainty, continue. https://trib.al/yYXhT55 
3/ Level Playing Field 🏟️

Under the deal the U.K. doesn't have to align with EU laws. But the bloc can impose tariffs if it can show Britain is distorting fair competition.

This means the question of levies on U.K.-EU trade is still far from settled. https://trib.al/0MoJaWY 
/5 Fish 🐟

The deal contains a 5.5 year transition period for fisheries, a totemic issue in the negotiations.

During that time Britain will be able to catch 25% more than under the old rules. After that, access will be subject to annual negotiations. https://trib.al/d1zrqlz 
6/ Gibraltar ⛰️

The Brexit trade deal didn't include a settlement on Gibraltar.

Spain and the U.K. reached a separate, preliminary deal to keep borders open with just hours to spare. Madrid says it hopes a final agreement will follow within six months. https://trib.al/lztviFY 
8/ Potential disruption at the U.K.-EU border is one of the British government's biggest Brexit concerns.

Logistics firms have redoubled efforts to relieve pressure on truck traffic, stepping up air freight, container ferry and air-cargo shipments. https://trib.al/XYjYc26 
9/ The Brexit trade deal was hammered out in 2,000 hours of talks spanning nine months.

Despite the bartering, suspicion and threats, it's clear both sides were desperate to reach an agreement.

Read the inside story here ⬇️ (ends) https://trib.al/NzmQYvx 
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