Conditioning can be extremely potent. You repeat so many things by habit because you do it over and over again every day, until it becomes automatic.
Some habits are harmless or even good. Others can hinder your creativity and your ability to adapt. Some are just plain bad.
The vast majority of modern men are specialists. They are trained, often excessively conditioned, to do tasks only (or mostly) within their field of expertise. They get so good at doing a select few things that it is automatic. They are like robots. Habitual, not very spontaneous
But, change the situation, introduce complex, unique problems, tell them to do something outside of their expertise, and many of them freeze up. They cannot adapt to variation. They will resort to their training, their conditioning.
The further back you go in history, the less specialists and the more 'renaissance' men. They knew how to do many different things in varying fields and crafts very well. This developed their brains in a way that trained them to solve complex problems and adapt to any situation.
My advice: Be a Renaissance Man, a polymath. Explore things that interest you and also things that will be helpful to you in your everyday life and for the future.
This post was mainly to lay out my brief thoughts on this.
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