I had a strange year.

-Turned down a big project. In hindsight, a necessary mistake. So not a mistake.

-Took a detour from God's path for me. Wasn't good. Almost made the same mistake recently, but didn't. Lesson learned.

-Worked on @AntifaMovie. Even made an appearance!😏
-To scratch the narrative itch, I wrote, directed, produced, acted in, shot, edited & scored a 3 minute action short film, Superspreader.

-Did some editing on @TrueLegendFilms and @Lauren_Southern seminal doc on the 2020 riots, CROSSFIRE--> http://crossfire.movie  (must watch)
In the midst of all this, moved my family to Mexico. Sold everything we could, put into storage what we couldn't. Don't know for how long. It's in God's hands.

2020: frustrating first half. Bold moves preparing for 2021 in the second half.

Main takeaway: God's path > your path
Thing is, if you KNOW what God wants you to do, you become responsible for that mission.

Deviating from the path will result in many obstacles and the inability to overcome them (or at great effort).

This is a form of GRACE.
It's better than gaining much success in the wrong area of life.

If you don't yet know your mission, you have a wider latitude in what you do.

Knowing your path makes you a bit of a prisoner.
Your commitment to the path will be tested. Things will go wrong. Things will take long. Your eye will wander. You may even despair at times.

It requires a bit of insanity to keep walking. But keep walking you must.
I'm heading into 2021 with a ton of uncertainty but a renewed commitment in trusting God by simply walking the path laid out for me.

If that requires you think Big, do it.

Hope this brings some clarity if you've had a similar 2020. I know I'm not alone.

Happy New Year!
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