What we learned so far on Georgia - Thread - Adjudication
We learned that the machines WERE in fact connected to the internet with 2-way communication, that would allow for vote changing
Here in testimony a group of data scientists, just focused on the data.
They used 3 different sources of data. NY Times/Edison, SCYTL data and the Secretary of State data
What they found was over 40 data points where votes were CHANGED and 500 precincts with suspicious data that accounted for over 1 million votes
They found 150 precincts that had over 90% votes for O'Biden. Over 100K ballots that were ADJUDICATED.
They found and showed vote manipulation and vote switching. In just 3 precincts President Trump lost 30,000 votes
Listen closely, this is IMPORTANT, when you adjudicate you lose the original ballot image, the recount was a complete waste. There was no audit trail
What we also learned for @gheliason is that 3 copies of the database are kept for the GEMS system. Official results are in the 2nd database, which can be altered. Reporting is done from the 1st database which is unchanged. This may explain the differences in vote totals in PA
What we also found out is the DOJ was in involved with Dominion in 2010. They forced ES&S to sell the Premier Electoral Solutions assets to Dominion. That would be ERIC Holder's DOJ! I'm sure Robert Mueller's FBI knew as well
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