As this bizarre year finally ends, I want to share some videos and channels that I was grateful for in 2020.
Patrick H Willems - I Joined the Turner Classic Movies Wine Club

The @patrickhwillems Talk Show was easily the most innovative answer to "How do we make videos in quarantine?" Praise Charl!

Maggie Mae Fish - we're already ded || Zack Snyder, Part 2

I have heard Zack Snyder talked to death but @MaggieMaeFish's Snyder series is the first time I think I really understood what he's all about. This was a joy to watch.

Lindsay Ellis - Why is Cats?

Obsessing over Cats was the theme of my January so when @thelindsayellis created an incredibly succinct breakdown of everything Cats while also dunking on it, I was all in. Also Axiom's End is a great read.

Folding Ideas - In Search of a Flat Earth

I fucking LOVED this video. An all timer for being curious, educational, and just nice to look at. @FoldableHuman created something truly special here. And that midpoint reveal!

Unraveled - I read every Halo novel and became the Master Chief of loneliness

I hadn't seen @briamgilbert videos before the perfect PokéRap in 2019 but the Unravled series was probably my most rewatched in 2020. I can't wait to see what he does next.

Nerdsync - A Critical Analysis of Scooby-Doo: A Franchise at War with Itself

I always love watching someone explain why they love something and @ScottNiswander's Scooby Doo videos this year were incredibly charming. Also I loved the Bob Ross documentary.

Jenny Nicholson - The Last Bronycon: a fandom autopsy

I was always so curious about Bronys and I found @JennyENicholson's Brony video fascinating as not only a peek at a curious phenomenon but a critical examination of how a fandom loses its way.

Sarah Z - Tumblr's Failed Convention: The Story of Dashcon

I remember hearing about Dashcon in passing and not really getting it but this story is BONKERS and I am so glad @marysuewriter is keeping the madness alive.

Some More News - Our Popcorn Movie Dystopia - SOME MORE NEWS: THE MOVIE

@SomeMoreNews made a full length movie that is SO funny. SO smart. And it isn't a complete downer. You end up feeling kinda hopeful. Which is a lot in 2020. A huge accomplishment!

LegalEagle - American Carnage at Lafayette Square

Speaking of 2020, I really appreciated seeing @LegalEagleDJ get angry when things got dark in DC.

Hbomberguy - RWBY Is Disappointing, And Here's Why

Another video about a thing that I never even kinda understood but was always curious about. Although I have no intention of watching RWBY, I think a fan of any series can understand @Hbomberguy's pain.

Tom Scott - Why The Web Is Such A Mess

Seriously! It's a mess! I think about this video nearly once a day because I see popups like this constantly. Between this and the YouTube copyright video, I really dug what @tomscott had to say this year.

Ordinary Things - The Dumpster Fire Failure of Quibi

This is a new one for me but I binged @ordinarytings over the last few weeks and loved their videos. Also I can listen to people talk about Quibi all day.

HiTop Films - Jon Favreau’s Iron Man - The Insane Origin

It's easy to forget what a miracle Iron Man was in 2008. Thankfully @HiTopFilms reminded us. (I was gonna link his Iron Man 2 video but I had a cameo so it felt like cheating.)

All Gas No Brakes - Fourth of July

I had a hard time picking one but this video from @allgasno continues to blow my mind.

Screen Rant - Artemis Fowl Pitch Meeting

I watch every Pitch Meeting video as soon as I can and the reason I picked this specific one is because I love the bit where @theryangeorge asks who the movie is for and then just moves on.

Aunty Donna - Always Room for Christmas Pud

"You didn't say there was custard." @AuntyDonnaBoys

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