Back in 2015, I saw the Black Candle a film by @mkasante and finally started to understand what Kwanzaa was about.

Between 2016 - 2018, as an effort to get more awareness around #blackgamedev I gave out games developed by Black devs during the week of #Kwanzaa It was a lot of fun. But the last 2 years I’ve been too busy to do a fun giveaway, and that has sucked.
There is a monstrous level of work needed to ship a game. Yet 2020 may go down as the year with the most games released by Black led teams, ever. Which is HUGE.

Here are those games, and where to support them. (& if I missed some, please let me know!)
The excellent avoid ‘em up Hyperdot by @DarkaysTG was released in Jan, kicking off the year with some hope!
You can buy it here - 
It’s also available on Xbox Ultimate Games Pass & Prime gaming!
Here’s a talk Charles gave #@gdocexpo
@InterabangEnt, run by the visionary @ICJMAN released the very fun Jay & Silent Bob Mall Brawl in May
You can buy it here 
Justin also ran the Black Voices in Gaming stream
You can see that here -
Swimsanity, long in development by @decoygames released in August
You can get it here 
You can see a talk about the dev team's journey here
@VirtuosoComms, led by @EthanRedd, released the mesmerizing Zodiac XX to Humble Trove in August

Here’s a talk Ethan gave about it
You can cop the game as a part of the Humble Trove here
The beautiful & engaging Fae Tactics by @endlessfluff released at the end of July
You can get it here
Treachery in @Beatdown_City, led by me. We launched at the very tail end of March & it’s been a wild year!
Here’s a talk I gave about inspirations behind the game
You can get it here 
We Should Talk, which had a great Kickstarter, with Narrative Design by @versiphied
You can get it here 
There were also several games that released in 2020 with prominent Black team members. These are those games.
Hades, by @SupergiantGames. Hades (among others) is played by @glancingonhuman, who has been an ever present voice in all of your favorite Super Giant games. Eurydice is also played by @Phrantastic22
You can get it here 
Neonimo, which @austin_walker had some high praise for
With @chrsjwilliams as gameplay programmer
Get it here - 
The ever charming Calico - with Music by @Slide20XX
Get it here - 
And some amazing Black led teams with dope games on the horizon!
Shout Outs to @GlowUpGames
Co-founded by @LatoyaPeterson
A women led, Black as hell company working on a dope Insecure game 

Here's a super helpful talk about founding a games studio
I'm super pumped for @WagaduChronicle, which had a massive Kickstarter this year 
I'm still waiting for NOUR, by the amazing @_Teejay5 and dope to see it's coming out on PS5! (and has an amazing website) 
And last but not least, still super excited for SHE DREAMS ELSEWHERE by @studiozevere @davionnegooden

You can get the demo (and wishlist it) here
I'm sure this isn't a comprehensive list, so please feel free to add to it - follow @blackgamedevs (and follow who they follow) to find more devs to love! May 2021 see some more positive movement toward #Blackgamedev equity in the games industry!✊🏽🎮
You can follow @aNuChallenger.
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