Been going through my 2020 camera are some ridiculous things that made me laugh. Firstly, our CEO emailing the whole company photos of toilets like this for the first couple of weeks of lockdown. I don’t think anyone found it funny.
Other absurd work communications, including being reminded to ‘blink from time to time’
When we did a ‘2.6 challenge’ in lieu of the London Marathon and my brother sent this video of my niece running 😭
When me and Olly decided to do portraits of each other for something to do and he drew this (actually quite accurate) picture of me. We never did that again.
When we agreed to help water a street tree and my neighbour drew up a rota so I asked to take this photo assuming there was just one, she posed for it and then she said ‘oh I did one for each of you, this is yours to keep’ ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️
When we turned our sofa into the Norwegian flag for a Eurovision Zoom cc: @joeyjojosha
No photo for this one but remember when Ben Fogle tried to make us all sing Happy Birthday to the Queen and the nation was having absolutely None of It.
In 2019 I registered interest for Pottery classes at the local Adult Education Centre, in lockdown I started receiving groups emails from the tutor for some reason. The best of which was this (all fish were safely re-homed)
I managed to get back to St Neots for a weekend and my friend Sophie made this welcome home cake ft. St Neots icon Little Barford Power Station:
This photo of my nieces which resembles me and my friends after a night out circa 2011 so unbelievably strongly I can’t believe it’s not a parody photo
This Facebook post where this woman wants to speak to the manager of Ice Cream Vans
Our first live theatre event! Blindness at the Donmar! Olly had to leave two mins in because he felt like he was going to pass out! (I stayed and he listened in the lobby, thank u Donmar)
Every single video call with my Grandparents looking like this:
When we could briefly see other people and I put up a tent with my niece 🥰
And finally one of my fave selfies of 2020, post-pub Morley’s (miss you Pub). Happy New Year everyone, here’s to a much better 2021 ❤️ remember to blink from time to time.
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