to 2021 debuts, from a 2020 debut:

1. this won't be easy. whatever the circumstances, releasing a book is hard work and like being whacked by an emotional mallet

2. but, whatever the circumstances, no one can ever take that away from you: you published a book
3. you'll need your friends more than ever before. people you can vent all your worst brain worms at. hold the safe people close

4. clout is meaningless, and you'll exhaust yourself chasing it

5. if it makes you unhappy, don't do it. there's no fixed path to success
6. it's one book. it's a huge achievement, but it won't make or break you. your self-worth is so much more than this industry.

7. enjoy every tiny milestone. there's no one 'ive made it moment'. celebrate, rest, let yourself be happy

8. im proud of you. so very, very proud đź’š
there's so much more useful stuff i could say but ive drank a bottle of prosecco and have survived the worst year of my life. i hope the next year is the best one of yours so far.
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