anyways ppl just . really don’t realize how Powerful dragons are??? like they’re these massive, ancient beasts that have been around for thousands of years n they are So incredibly Strong and so Wise. n it makes me SO angry that they’ve been turned into some stupid Beast or ++
monster that is pure evil and just some sort of ravaging mindless terrible creature. n the fact that ppl just . made legends out of stupid people marching up into dragons homes and stealing all their treasures for THEIR OWN BENEFIT. like just for THEM to fucking use and ++
hoard like greedy fucking bastards. and then raise their swords and just slay this massive, gentle, powerful creature. all of that strength and wisdom just Gone because of one man’s stupid greed and hubris. and then they get turned into heroes and legends for it. like ++
fucking hell have you ever heard of a dragon hurting people first??? besides the made up stories that came later of them “ravaging” villages or whatever (which makes no sense because . it’s a dragon what does it have to gain from your fucking village), have u ever really ++
heard of a dragon hurting someone first, or was it always one man and his hubris erasing this powerful, magnificent creature off the face of the earth with the swing of his sword so he can live out the rest of his days as a greedy, prideful hero and ride out his life upon a ++
throne of hubris. but no the knight is the legendary hero and the dragon is the ravaging beast. what the Fuck is heroic abt that. hhh it just makes me . so angry it’s like burning down a library or tearing down a mountain just . taking something massive and utterly, without a ++
doubt purely Magnificent n tearing it all to the ground with a flick of your hand, making it out to be a monster for the rest of time. all humans have ever done is destroy everything we laid eyes on and i’m so angry at seeing these magnificent beasts fall casualty to our hubris.
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