Legit incredible that the western strategy re: China was to help the CCP secure a 3 decade streak of economic growth and upward mobility because muh free market, then wait for the people to topple them because they suddenly want red/blue team voting and to post Xi Man Bad online
This is unironically what people thought would happen, it's like something a child would come up with but instead it was the entirety of the western governing apparatus and intelligentsia. Amazing.
Basically we helped China mint their own boomers (ie people for whom Trusting The Plan/state worked out incredibly well), the most mindlessly and blindly patriotic generation of all

Good luck getting them to drop the CCP because muh Hong Kong muh Uighurs muh Xinnie the Pooh
In like 40 years these Chinese boomers are going to look back on Xi with just as much fondness as ours look back on Reagan (or Obama if blue team)

He'll unironically be the most popular politician there besides Mao and Sun Yat-sen
The CCP had to meddle with the production of the Wolf Warrior (rah rah China action movie) sequels because they were deemed to be too over-the-top patriotic and militaristic to the point where they feared it might endanger foreign relations lol https://twitter.com/OG_Jaybird/status/1344749470362308608?s=19
Lmao. Watch any of those "international" Chinese action movies with some western actor attached. Its undiluted Dubya era patriotism that feels like satire now, I'm talking "Chinese flag waving in slow motion with dramatic music cut to people saluting" tier https://twitter.com/LumpyTheCook/status/1344754334819471360?s=19
As far as Chinese people unhappy about the CCP go, the democracy student bongo circle is absolutely dwarfed by the ultranationalists who think Xi is a cuck for not dropping anthrax on Taipei and DC yesterday (and for messing with Foreign Devil Destroyer 12: The Laowai Must Die)
Top Taiwanese and US officials have been arrested and are being moved to a black site in Xinjiang as we speak. Trust the plan.

-Qianon https://twitter.com/lightuponlights/status/1344759490692976640?s=19
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