Caleb's 2020 Learnings and takeaways (thread)
This was a remarkable year for many reasons each unique to us all. Pandemic, selloffs, headlines, election; we bought our first home, we got married, read some amazing books, met some amazing people.
2021 has a high bar, but 👇👇
together we can achieve great things! I learned more in 2020 than I'd ever thought, thx to work ethic. I chose to pay it forward by sharing along my journey. FinTwit is amazing, my investing family, and I owe much of my success in 2020 to you all. I intend to keep learning 👇👇
and sharing as much as I can, because if anything helps even one investor then it is worth my time. I felt much pain this year but I never gave up, and hope you didn't/don't either (keep pushing ahead). Over last 10 days I shared my '2020 learnings', if missed here is a recap :
'Timeframe'- I'm young and have many years ahead, with that investing only dollars I am prepared to leave on the table enables me to not become concerned with market gyrations. Investing on my watch with budgeted dollars let's me 'let the winners run'.
'Noise', filtering out noise. We are inundated by media, projections, 'data'- pushed by sources we trust. For me, it's finding trusted sources then validating- termed 'trust but validate'. Don't let a "narrative" drive your decision making process!
'Due diligence'. 2020 was my most fulfilling w hard work. I do all my own research, I'm responsible for my risk. Best places: investor relations, competitor sites, charting, deep dives; quality research - don't hurry!! If you don't know it, don't invest; can't explain it, avoid!
'Know what you own'. Understand the business, sustainable, growth, leadership/strategy- watch what they say AND what they do! Emotions to 'headlines' or RED day📈? New 'shiny stock' cause you to sell (FOMO)😱? Chasing FinTwit ☠️?
Know what you own = sleep better 💤; less stress!
'Conviction' (*high importance).
Hear others opinions, BUT trust your process, study, until biz changes (see my other 'learnings'). Volatility & FOMO will shake you, not if you have conviction! Less sell, more study!
Review holdings, apply weighted criteria, trust process ♻️
'Themes', Many sectors 🚀 this year- paying attn to 'best of breed' provided insight on upcoming winners (IoT, ad-tech, ecom). Listening to their ER calls & reviewing investor presentations='breadcrumb trail'. True Market Leaders. Found-led; disruptors; stickiness- What's Next?
'Have a Plan' 📜. What worked for me likely will not for you, investors need their own plan ("fail to plan, plan to fail"). Transacting on proven principles, like DCA, wkly/mnthly (preplan), moving averages, budget/family plan. Markets change- plans too, don't act on emotions🤮
'The company you keep'. As in life, it's important who you surround yourself w as on FinTwit- is a "think tank" full of great investors, BUT if you don't understand risk/timeframe/intention you may be chasing. Do not blindly copy! Have a plan, know yourself, invest in yourself !
'The Market"- Is a machine, doesn't care what you, any analyst, chart, fundamental or valuation, thinks says or does!! Be in wrong place & you'll be humbled!
'Stairs up, elevator down'; we ALL make mistakes- it's the takeaway's & what we do next that matter; character building!
In the end, for all investors there is so much to learn, but the key is 'long term' - this is not a sprint but a marathon!
Never take so much risk you can't invest another day.
Don't miss the forest for the trees.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Have fun! Give back! Cheers!✌️
You can follow @caleb_investTML.
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