(Retweet before you begin! Have fun! Skip any questions you want and have a happy, healthy 2021!)
1. As of 12/31/20, who is your ult group?
2. What were your top 5 K-Pop albums of 2020?
3. What were your top 5 favorite K-Pop songs of 2020?
4. What group did you spend the most money on in 2020?
5. Were you able to attend any K-Pop concerts or events before quarantine began?
6. Is your ult bias (idol, not group) right now the same as your ult bias on 12/31/19?
7. What was the best photocard you pulled in 2020?
8. What K-Pop scandal or controversy did you think was the most memorable of 2020?
9. Did any of your biases enlist in 2020?
10. Were any of your biases discharged from the army in 2020?
11. What do YOU consider to be Song of the Year?
12. According to Spotify, what were your top 3 most-played K-Pop songs of 2020?
13. Which groups did you start listening to in 2020?
14. Who are 3 mutuals you're glad you befriended in 2020?
15. Did you receive any K-Pop-related holiday gifts in 2020?
16. Who 3 idols were you exceptionally proud of in 2020?
17. What was your #1 favorite comeback of 2020?
18. Did you un-stan anyone in 2020?
19. Which 2020 K-Pop music video would you like to see made into a movie?
20. Did you enter any giveaways on Twitter in 2020? Did you win any? (Conversely, did you HOST any Twitter giveaways?)
21. What was your biggest K-Pop surprise of 2020? (Maybe you started to stan someone you didn't expect to like or maybe you pulled a photocard you really wanted, etc.)
22. Did you interact with any idols in 2020? (Could be on Twitter/Instagram/WeVerse, a pre-March hi-touch, a video call, etc.)
23. Did you subscribe to anyone's Bubble in 2020?
24. Who are a few idols who (perhaps unexpectedly) stole your heart in 2020?
25. What comeback/album are you most anticipating in 2021?
(Multis, let's be mutuals!!)
26. Did your bias in any group change in 2020?
27. How many selfies do you think your ult posted in 2020?
28. Who is an idol you hope gets a personal Instagram account in 2021?
29. What's a collab stage you'd love to see in 2021?
30. What K-Pop song(s) got you through the tough days in 2020?
31. What's an older group or song that you got into during 2020?
32. Who do want to start stanning in 2021?
33. Tag a few accounts (could be loops accounts or translation accounts or just fan accounts!) whose hard work you appreciated this year.
34. Whose V LIVEs did you watch the most in 2020? (Group or individual member!)
35. Who was your biggest idol CRUSH in 2020?
YO THIS BLEW UP. OKAY. DAMN. For real, though, I need more Carat, NCTzen, Shawol, MOA, MyDay, Once, Buddy, Melody and/or Atiny mutuals! Let's be friends!
And if you're home alone/quarantined on this sad, rainy New Year's Eve, feel free to drop by and join us in a NYE giveaway spectacular! Happy New Year, friends! https://twitter.com/hueningkey/status/1344768094183575552?s=19
You can follow @hueningkey.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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