#Poori’s lies and double standards:
1. Gives warning “enna panren nu paaru” but denies it.
2. Lied abt watering his plant to KH
3. Lied abt not sleeping & blamed Anitha to Nisha&Ramesh
4. Lost captainship game & said he gave it up for Rio


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5. Egg task - tells everyone to follow rules but he is the one to break it. And then accepts he has no maanam (which is true).
6. Egg task - even after Rio tells him that he’s waiting on BB decision, takes the egg sneakily to claim victory.


#BiggBossTamil #BiggBossTamil4
7. Yells at Sam, tells she doesn’t have “thagudhi” to be captain, yells “tharuthalai” at her and doesn’t apologize to her until weekend after KH tells he was wrong.

#BiggBossTamil #BiggBossTamil4
8. Says he is being isolated or cornered but he has been the one isolating himself from day 1, sleeping separately, keeping his cups and plates separately etc.


#BiggBossTamil #BiggBossTamil4
9. Advices everyone about not wasting food, but he himself wasted food by not keeping extra in fridge.
10. Backbites so much about Archana to anitha and Balaji but did not have guts to nominate her during open nomination (but Balaji did).


#BiggBossTamil #BiggBossTamil4
11. Backbites abt Rio and som to Balaji saying they show favoritism and not playing fair like Balaji & then backbites to Rio & Som saying Balaji doesn't play fair unlike them.


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