As we stagger to the 2020 finish line on our bloodied stumps, a few brief notes:

In Q1 2021, it will have been three years since the Windrush Scandal broke and the Windrush Compensation Scheme was mooted, and two years since the Scheme began operation. [1/23]
As of end-2020, 1,680 claims have been made. 260 claims have been paid. The HO will always tell you "many more offers" have been made, as if that's a statistical metric, but the usable, hard, facts are that 260 claims are recorded as paid. [2/23]
That doesn't equate 260 cases resolved, by the way, as claims can be paid in part. So less than 260 cases have been resolved. Again, these are @ukhomeoffice's data points, not ours. [3/23]
161 claimants have sought a review of their award, which is nearly 62% of the number of claims paid. (Different claims - percentage given for comparison only) That also excludes claims where a review was requested because the whole thing was rejected as ineligible. [4/23]
As this process unfolds at the pace of treacle being pushed up a hill, the victims of the Home Office's malfeasance have continued to suffer, many in absolute poverty.

And many have died. [5/23]
Paulette Wilson died suddenly and unexpectedly at 64, after years of "the worst heartache anyone could go through". She was one of the first victims whose brave account unlocked what we know as the 'Windrush Scandal'. Not a penny. No apology. [6/23]
Richard Stewart, who in better days bowled for Middlesex, never applied to naturalise because he didn't have a spare £1,200. He died aged 74 before receiving the papers that would allow him to visit his mother in Jamaica. No compensation or apology. [7/23]
Sarah O'Connor was another pioneering campaigner, like Paulette. She was driven to the brink of bankruptcy, but fought tooth and nail. She died aged just 57, 2 months after receiving her naturalisation certificate. No compensation or apology. [8/23]
Jashwa Moses was a well-loved reggae musician. He fought for his citizenship even as he battled cancer, dreaming of a last holiday "just to be free". He died aged 64, shortly after receiving citizenship. No compensation or apology. [9/23]
It has been 3 years since these abuses came to light.
1,680 claims have been made.
260 have been paid.
At least 20 people, likely many more, are dead.

The Windrush Compensation Scandal chugs along with no end in sight. [13/23] #WindrushCompensationScandal
Those measures are, at their very best, tinkering at the edges. Some of the promises made have already been broken, less than a full month on. (You will be hearing more about this, anon.)

Three years in, and at least 20 people dead. [15/23]
It is indisputable that @ukhomeoffice and various govt-appointed working groups are just not up to this, whether in skill or in motivation. That's to say nothing of @pritipatel, a sort of D-list impression of Kathy Bates in Misery in a more expensive frock. [16/23]
This is more than a scandal or disgrace. It is rot at the core of society. It is govt and the civil service saying Black Lives Don't Matter. Windrushers Don't Matter. Those who don't have the means to hire expensive lawyers and sue the corrupt pants off them Don't Matter. [17/23]
Splenetic prose over, a few thank yous and hat-tips to people who help Windrushers, and those who have propped us up as we have screamed shrilly into the void: @JacquiMckenzie6 and @_hollystow, stalwart practitioners and campaigners, without whom nothing would work; [18/23]
individuals who have spoken far more and far better than we ever will, who are bringing about change by sheer force of will - @GlendaCaesar, @ppvernon, amongst many others; [20/23]
orgs such as @WindrushPreston (h/t Glenda Andrews), @WindrushLegal, @WindrushJC, @JCWI, @DetentionAction (and @BellaSankey), @GoodLawProject (and @gem_abbott), who fight every day, attacking from every angle, scrapping to get justice for Windrush victims [21/23];
and Tweeps who have signal boosted us, answered questions, and supported us, such as (NON EXHAUSTIVE LIST) @ZoeJardiniere, @SatbirLSingh, @stand_for_all, @BarristerSecret, @AdamWagner1, @JolyonMaugham, @Femi_Sorry, @GulwaliP, @DrFuraha_Asani, @miqdaad and @minnierahman [22/23]
Thank you for caring about this. We'll be back with more on those wholly unsatisfactory tweaks to the Scheme soon.

We hope 2021 is good to all of you (except @ukhomeoffice). [23/23]
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