1) #GreatFoodTransformation

"Humanity has never before set out to RADICALLY CHANGE THE FOOD SYSTEM at the scale or speed envisaged by the Commission."

"Opponents will warn of unintended consequences... This Commission disagrees."

Gates & Bezos involved.
2) Artificial plant-based meat printed by 3D printers is on the World Economic Forum's menu—for you, not for them of course.
3) Propaganda has been under way for a while. Both by WEF...
5) Google, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates & EAT-Lancet Commission plan to radically change the global food system thru GMO and lab-created foods—via new laws & regulations, propaganda, pressure.

Pure coincidence that the "Planetary Health Diet" they propose consists of patentable foods.
6) Yes, the Planetary Health Diet will have to be enforced by law or we won't comply. They know this. Hence they are saying we need "stronger governments" to enforce it... because climate change. Er, COVID, Um, racial inequality. Or whatever.
7) Artificial meat isn't all, though—CNN started up "insects as food" propaganda a while ago. Hopefully they're just using this as a ploy to get us to say "artificial plant-based meat isn't THAT bad..."

Notice we must save EARTH, not people. Abort people.
8) "Silly conspiracy theorist! They aren't trying to get us to eat bugs instead of meat!"

Don't be so sure.
9) If you get rid of the gassy cows (that create 4% of greenhouse gases), you have no milk. Fear not, the elites have an alternative for you that doesn't require a lot of land to grow almond or soybeans. Sustainable, dontchaknow.

10) They've got Hollywood pushing it.

"We all know that we SHOULD be eating insects..."

WT actual F.

11) How do we know we SHOULD be eating insects? Because the World Economic Forum has been shaming us for meat and promoting insects as food.

Yes, the same WEF that Kerry said Biden was excited to implement their #GreatReset.

The WEF that says US will no longer be superpower.
12) Lockdowns not only kill small businesses, benefitting Amazon (Bezos), they are disrupting our food supply, benefiting Bezos, Gates, EAT-Lancet, WEF—who want America to no longer be superpower.

These people are sick.

They sold us out to China—who used COVID-19 as a BIOWEAPON
13) Some more insect food propaganda.

It isn't just click-bait, people. this is Reuters, not some random blog.
14) John Kerry says America voted for Great Reset (Great Food Transformation is part of GR) by voting for Biden in a "record level of voting."

Did you see it on the ballot? In debates? I didn't. Kinda changes the election.

The entire world hangs in the balance, not just USA
15) Fight now, or get used to "stronger" globalized government that controls every aspect of your life—unless you want your children growing up pouring cockroach milk on their Impossible Foods patented GMO cereal.
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