Message from Yehoshu'a (Jesus): You do not need to bring your ego into awareness. You do not need to seek for this around the world, pointing it out to yourself.
That is not necessary to awaken for we know that through your experiences, these opportunities of awareness will naturally make themselves known to you.
There is no need to do any "shadow work", for that too is the ego self looking upon itself to keep you distracted from the real work...FORGIVENESS.

Yes, it's helpful for some of you, just as meditation is helpful, but it's not needed.
As you encounter these experiences that are so opposite of love, instead of judging them, see them for what they are.

See them for their truth as illusion, as something you do not want. Then, choose again with love.
Don't make it your mission to look for all the wrongs in yourself, others, or the world.

Yes, you are here to notice your blocks to your awareness of love, but don't go searching for them nor analyze them because that would be looking with the ego.
Does this make sense?

If so, practice daily, take the steps necessary every day to get past these concepts of illusion, of ego. See what has happened and forgive it.

Take it seriously yes, but not with seriousness.
In other words, make it important in your life to forgive, and when these experiences show up, laugh it off. Don't take it to heart. Don't take it seriously.

Make the statement "oh, ok it happens". Then, move on.

That is all there is to it. I love you all in oneness unity.
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