2020 has been a bit pants, but for everyone who’s made it through with mind, body & soul reasonably intact, give yourselves a clap. Been trawling through pics to remind myself of the memorable nice bits and thought, fuck it, I’ll drop them here today.

Off we go 👇

Moved back to Cardiff all loved up to embark on a happy ever after. The ‘R’ word has never been my bag so when I tripped over this sign within a couple of days of being back, I really should’ve clocked it’s significance

I live in Devon now. With an aloe vera plant.
February 2020:

Drove up to Llandudno see my Aunty Joan. Had a fab afternoon parked here, just the two of us chatting shite. She was the first person I came out to in the mid 90s, and in 2010 when I tested positive for HIV. Always had my back. She’s now 93.

That was a good day
March 2020:

Working with @ExeterPride and putting this together just before the global shit hit the fan and we all had to close shop.

This pic makes me really happy and a sad at the same time. Life’s a funny old thing innit?
April 2020:

Embraced lockdown hair and landed first gig with the #NHS. I still work backstage, i’m getting off lightly, the folks working out front need much more than claps and media hurrahs. If you support and respect this guys, do your bit, stay in, and stop moving about.
May 2020:

Got my hands on the Covid survival kit, and saw the movie ‘The Book Club”

“Love is not blind, or the sun or the moon, or whatever else we heap on it. Love it just a word until someone gives it meaning” - Candice Bergen

Yep. Now more than ever.
June 2020:

Made an impromptu move to the seaside in #Devon and have made this lovely place my war bunker while all this horrible stuff has been going on. I’m bloody lucky compared to so many others this year and am grateful every single day.
July 2020:

The mothership came to visit and dropped a bombshell over a ploughman’s picnic.
August 2020:

Finally saw a real person, my fab friend @tarara42, with who life has taken me on a bit of an adventure with these past 10 years. Been worried about important relationships this year, but the solid ones I’ve got are just fine; this is all just part of the journey.
September 2020:

Got my hair back thanks to a hairdresser sent from the gods called Alex; the one and only @TheMarciaHines replied to my tweet.

No further words nec, except ‘YAY!!!!!!!’
October 2020:

I bought an old lady tea trolly; my aloe vera plant gave birth to 13 babies out of wedlock; and home delivery dinner took on a whole new meaning and delivered itself to my doorstep without the need of a human.
November 2020:

@kylieminogue saved 2020; my Xmas tree took its rightful place and became the envy of everyone in the universe; and Sidmouth fashion week kicked off in Lidl, with the launch of the ‘vegetable bag over the head’ Covid protection collection.
December 2020:

Had a Herts County Youth Orchestra Class of 1856 zoom reunion with @solsolntze and a few of the gang (we’ve been pals since we were 13. that’s 10 whole years); bought a very manly trifle bowl; embraced Xmas; sold the top one, bought the bottom one (last pic)
So there’s 2020. It’s been a tough one for everyone but there’s still been some good stuff in there somewhere.

Here’s to staying safe, happy, well, fit and healthy in 2021. And remember, we’re not out of the shit yet so please carry on doing the right thing until we’re not.
You can follow @EarlOfSidmouth.
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