We should Force the Vote - just not on Medicare for All.

We should use a bloc when we can win real things. We can and should build the movement to win M4A, but it’s not clear how a massive loss will help do that.

Being a pundit isn’t the same as being an organizer.
In the next 2 years, the left will have to learn how to negotiate having a little power.

My advice is: listen to @_waleedshahid + @itsAmira_H who’ve been building power in Congress.

We have to do the work to win seats and organize a bloc. It won’t just spontaneously emerge.
Building social movements is really hard! It took us a year of hard conversations, internal organizing and planning to create @IfNotNowOrg. It took the leaders of @sunrisemvmt a year to come up with a strategy and organize a core team.

M4A needs the same level of planning.
If there really is a broad movement of people ready to mobilize for Medicare for All, we should mobilize them.

It's not clear to me how forcing a losing vote in the House is a useful mobilization opportunity for most normal people.
Having progressive champions in Congress isn't a substitute for building a mass movement.

We can't expect them to conjure a movement in full cloth from the void. We need to mobilize people to change the political weather. Politicians will follow the movement's lead.
You can follow @maxberger.
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