New trade Border model just published....
New UK Govt case studies of new trade processes/ non tariff barriers replacing frictionless trade within single market/customs union from UK in transit via France exports of fish:
Customs EORI.
Export HEalth certificate
Rules of Origin,
Export safety declaration...
Customs EORI.
Export HEalth certificate
Rules of Origin,
Export safety declaration...
Govt lists 18 key steps required from about 4 hours time, to export fish from GB to EU via transit in France including 6. “Get someone to deal with customs for you”
Correction - I missed next page of steps needed to be taken by the EU importer as well... so its in total 26 “key steps” required to transit British fish into EU via France from 11pm, in Govt’s new trade border case studies... including “get someone to deal with customs for you”
How about importing say tulips from Rotterdam - Govt announced easements and delays to enforcement right? Still a modest (compared to exporting fish) 13 steps required now ... EORIs, Peach, Community Licenses, Export declarations, Phytosanitary certificates... UK Govt case study:
And what about moving car parts from Belgium to a UK factory?
.. in theory these guys will be the most prepared for this, with the most sophisticates systems etc, also will have stockpiled parts... but its pretty complicated departure from frictionless trade:
.. in theory these guys will be the most prepared for this, with the most sophisticates systems etc, also will have stockpiled parts... but its pretty complicated departure from frictionless trade:
So process of 11 “key steps” to consider, even under the phased in arrangements... rules of origin, eoris, community license, trailers etc...
delayed declarations bit v important. Customs declarations can be delayed 6 months, yes, but all this data still has to be collected:
delayed declarations bit v important. Customs declarations can be delayed 6 months, yes, but all this data still has to be collected:
And importantly the other way, car parts from UK supply chain into Belgium - EORI numbers, rules of origin checks, something to do with Warrington, Kent Permit/ “Kermit”, Chief, export safety declarations, PSA, PLDA - 10 “key steps”...
And yes, I’d rather not be doing this on NYE, but the Government put out the latest iteration of the border model along with these case studies about 6 hours before they apply - so there we go...
Anyway - dinner awaits as does this bit of dad disco DIY.. @streamgm
Anyway - dinner awaits as does this bit of dad disco DIY.. @streamgm