Hey lovely people! 😊🙏🏽 So here we are, ending 2020 with soaring COVID cases, crushing lockdowns, & corrupt politicians. Folks, this is rock bottom. So... how can start 2021 with hope & joy? Take heart. We're going to get through this winter valley together. 💪🏽❤️ /THREAD.
Nine months in, we are now around halfway through the crisis phase of COVID. That might seem scary, but have faith. Once we make it through this “rock bottom” period, the rest of part 2 will be brighter & easier. /1
The toughest period is the winter valley… the darkest, coldest months, highest infection rates, harshest lockdowns. Vaccines coming, but not here. This is a hands-down the toughest stretch, but it is not forever. By April-May 2021, we will be back in the light. /2
But that means we need to be strong for the next 3 months. Not because people expect us to be… But because we deserve to come out of this as sane and well human beings. So let’s make a winter valley strategy together right now. /3
First, we have to try our best to stay healthy. The virus does not care about our squabbles & corrupt political leaders. It will permanently damage our bodies & kill our families. Our job is to protect our lives & our loves, & the next 3 months will be critical. /4
That means masks, distancing, & no cutting corners with scientific advice. This can be tough, with crappy public health guides & corrupt political officials. But it’s not about them. It’s about us. Our lungs. Our families. We can rely on science to help us make safer choices. /5
Second, we need to build mental health infrastructure specific to this time period. Most of us went into hard lockdowns back in March, when days were getting brighter and warmer. The start of 2021 is a new challenge & so we need a new set of tools. / 6
We can start by outlining our core needs to survive through January-March. Physical. Spiritual. Social. Financial. Emotional. List the essentials, not the ideal versions. This is a disaster survival list... But don’t worry, we will still try to make it nice! 🌸☃️🧘🏽‍♀️/7
For every unmet need on our lists, *work the problem*. 🧐 Can we take a different approach? If there is no time, what could we potentially cut or postpone? How can we be more efficient? Strategize. Persist. Ingenuity is the key to adaptation and survival. 🌟 /8
Part of survival is trying to make our lives as joyful as possible, even under harsh conditions. Our adaptation strategies can be creative, uplifting, & even fun! “Working the problem” doesn't mean living in the problem. It means finding a solution, & living in the solution. 🙏🏽/9
Whatever solutions we devise, they will require *consistency*. This part of the marathon requires a steady, humble pace. Achievable goals. Regular schedules. One day at a time. And max flexibility on the inevitable bad days. ⛈️🌪️ Survival, not perfection.☔️ /10
It is WAY easier to do this with a team & you CAN make a team. Set up a regular virtual check-in with 1-5 friends, ideally every morning. If you’re new to this, try a daily 15 min call around a meditation reading of your choice. 🧘🏽‍♀️ It will soon be the best part of your day! /11
Finally, the new year is always a great time to do a personal review of who we are & who we want to become in this world. Periods of hardship have the potential to be times of rapid, exponential personal growth. 📈Tough times reveal a person’s character, but also build it. 💪🏽 /12
From that perspective, this winter valley may be a blessing hidden inside a challenge. Three months in warrior mode. And the payoff? Courage, compassion, patience, resilience, humility, ingenuity, and an unshakeable inner strength that will last a lifetime. Deal. 😊❤️🙏🏽 /13
And on that note, I wish you all a blessed start to this new year! I will be with you in spirit as we venture through this valley, together and in the light. We are not alone and we have every reason to hope. 🌟 /x
You can follow @ProfAishaAhmad.
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