My guy & I are doing a deep-dive on Shabba-Doo this morning. I loved Breakin’ & Breakin’ 2, but he never saw them & I love that he is willing to spend NYE morning with coffee in bed trying to relate to ten year-old me! Anyway, cool info follows!
Adolpho Gutierrez Quiñones, known professionally as Shabba-Doo, played Ozone in the aforementioned Breakin’ fillums BUT got his start as a member of dance crew “The Lockers” in 1971.
You know the dance style of “locking” I’m sure. Well, it’s said to have been originated by Don Campbell & was initially called “Campbellocking.” Anyhoozle, Don met a young woman in a club in 1970 by the name of TONI BASIL & they started their group. Toni was their manager.
Other members of The Lockers were Shabba Doo & Fred “Rerun” Berry. Yeah, Rerun from “What’s Happening!” Here they are on Soul Train in 1975.
What I 💜 about all this: There was a time when they’d let talented people dance & be joyful on TV for almost 6 minutes! And these folks were on every show! Carol, Carson, SNL, the Grammys, the Oscars! They performed WITH all the greats from Sinatra to Pryor to Cheech & Chong?
Don Campbell died earlier this year, but lived his life as a teacher & ambassador for hip hop & street dancing all over the world. His Lockers partner, Toni Basil, who had already been in movies & choreographed big deal dances by the time they met, is now 77 and...
though most people know her mainly as the woman behind the popular song/video “Mickey,” she is truly a showbiz Zelig. She’s been everywhere & done everything & she is STILL working. Follow her on insta to see her kicking ass daily. She can still move better than most ever will.
We lost Fred Berry a long time ago, but I do love that he was able to parlay his early dance fame, and his great sense of humor, into an iconic sitcom role. He was also married to four different women six different times. I hope it was fun.
This concludes this episode of “Deep Dives from Bed.” Raising my mug to Shabba-Doo, Don, Fred & dear Toni, who I had the pleasure of meetibg & working alongside for a minute a while back. (I’m unstarstruckable & she left me starstruck. She also wears iconic hats.) Happy New Year!
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