Thread - 2020 Year in Review

2020 has been a great year of learning for me in both the ups and downs.
Highlighting my favorite content/tweets from the year.
2) Antitrust Politics/Begs The Question by @benthompson. I love almost everything Ben writes but I thought this was a true masterpiece as it tackles many difficult topics: Tech, social media, regulation, role of the publisher, etc.
Podcast Episodes of the Year:
1) ILTB: Anu Hariharan - Lessons in Growth Investing
For anyone that wants to learn how to adopt a growth mindset, I highly recommend this podcast.
2) ILTB: Sam Hinkie - Find Your People
I loved hearing Sam's thoughts 1) building your network of people who can have great impacts on your life and how you think, 2) writing and the benefits of it.
Favorite Tweets:
1) Selling Winners Early.

I think about this all the time. It gives me great comfort knowing that someone who has been doing it for as long as and successfully as @GavinSBaker has, still wrestles with this. Also, love the use of Kaizen.
2) Narrow mania. There are some bubbles, but not my stocks.

I've been thinking about Bubbles a lot this December. My mindset has always been avoid the froth, but I will admit, I love some of the 20+x SW cos. I just think they have great growth prospects.
3) 3 topics that are interesting, but conversations/ arguments never get anywhere: Religion, Politics, and Valuation.

Agree with this whole heartedly.
4) If a stock doubles on you, and you thought it was exp before, time to learn something.

Funny this needs to be said. Think of the reverse. If a stock gets cut in half and you thought it was cheap 50% ago, you'd definitely be looking for some answers.
Seeing the future:
1) Impact of COVID. Balajis on Jan 30, 2020. Amazing how spot on he was.
2) The future of the internet.

I was not aware of this paper until this year but worth highlighting. I am amazed by people who can so accurately predict the future. To do it for a new technology looking 20-30+ years into the future is simply amazing.
Books of the year for me (Year I read them, not when published):
1) Psychology of Money

Short review here:
2) The Three Body Problem

Short review here:
I have also started keeping an Investment Journal this year.
Key Excerpts I thought worth sharing:
1) When in doubt, read "How I'd run a fund." (something I've written over time). This was made for LT thinking in all scenarios. Take the emotion out of it.
2) Ignore daily/weekly/monthly stock price movements. Have conviction and be stubborn at times.

3) If you are LT bullish on something, but ST worried, don't sweat it.
4) Better to pick an expensive name that has set out easily achievable targets than it is pick a company that has set out realistic (50/50 beat/miss) targets and is “relatively” cheap.
5) Make your own model. Do your own analysis. When events are unprecedented, unprecedented results happen.
Overall, this has been a crazy year for me. Even excluding COVID, probably the toughest year of my life given personal circumstances. I am thankful for family, friends, and anyone who has touched my life in a positive way. Looking forward to 2021.
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