"If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth." [Ronald Reagan] We are on the verge of government tyranny, as a now domestic enemy, the Democrat party, is attempting to impose a fraudulent election on the citizens; which undermines the
Constitution, and would destroy the republic, and cause liberty to forever perish from the earth. If they succeed, the individual freedom heretofore enjoyed by every citizen, as reflected in the Bill of Rights, will be removed, and the people will no longer be "citizens," but
rather "subjects;" meaning subservient to the government; to a tyrannical socialist dictatorship; a fundamental transformation similar to that which happened in today's Venezuela. The elite will maintain their wealth, and gain even more; but 97% of Americans, specifically, the
middle- and working-class citizens, will lose economic opportunity and security, as the ruling socialists, will overrun the US population, with cheap foreign labor, through an open borders, and mass migration policy throughout our land; with permanent cheap laborers imported from
Central America, Asia, and the Middle East. The American people will experience their historic standard of living, and economic opportunity, vanish, and ultimately reside in an economic state of poverty, with no way out, as the American Dream is forever relegated to the annals of
history. No citizen should be deceived about the nature of our situation. We are at the precipice of government oppression, and inevitable enslavement. Notwithstanding, by the grace of God, the die is not yet cast. There is still time, and opportunity, to choose freedom; to
to preserve the Constitution; and to save the republic. To do so will take men and women, namely Republicans, as during the time of slavery, to stand up with moral courage, the courage of Abraham Lincoln, to do what they already know is right; to stop a flagrantly fraudulent
election, and impose justice in accordance with the Constitution, on behalf of the citizens they represent. From the American Revolution, and Crispus Attucks, until now, over a million Americans have laid down their lives to gain and preserve our liberty. In contrast, Republicans
in the House and Senate, need only stand up in their chambers and do their sworn duty, under the security and liberty that these American heroes have by their sacrifice provided, and "object" in Congress on January 6th, and act decisively to uphold the US Constitution, and keep
the republic, for which we stand. This task is not hard, but easy, for anyone who loves this country; as every elected representative, and citizen, so blessed to be an American, should. Mr. @VP Pence, you Sir, are the presiding officer, possessing plenary power in the electoral
meeting of Congress on January 6th, by virtue of the Constitution. It is my prayer and expectation, that you will use your absolute power, as necessary, to stop the imposition of a fraudulent election upon the citizens, and our nation. As the Scripture admonishes,
"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." [Deu 31:6 NASB] Every Republican, whether in the Congress, state legislatures, or in a governor's chair, would do well to heed
this wise counsel, and look to Him who has not yet abandoned this great land, and its people. It is in Christ name I pray that we will yet remain one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all. Amen ~
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